2387 results found
Health topics
… pillows to support your arms and the baby, support your back with a pillow, and use a stool to raise your feet. This … you to the baby. Bending toward the baby can lead to back and neck problems. Find a position that is comfortable … body closer to you. This will help tilt the baby's head back slightly, so that just the edge of one nostril is clear …
Health topics
Health topics
… be bent into different positions (outward to have sex and back toward the body to conceal under clothing). There are … may need to avoid tight clothing for 6 weeks to avoid pushing the saline reservoir out of position. You can … may need to avoid tight clothing for 6 weeks to avoid pushing the saline reservoir out of position. You can …
Health topics
… of injury. More than half of key muscles can move, but not against gravity. Moving against gravity means moving up. An … In an L3 injury, messages are stopped at the lower back. This causes at least some paralysis of the legs and … In an L3 injury, messages are stopped at the lower back. This causes at least some paralysis of the legs and …
Health topics
… Use your free hand to pull the outer ear gently up and back. This straightens the ear canal. Risks of a home ear … Use your free hand to pull the outer ear gently up and back. This straightens the ear canal. Risks of a home ear …
Health topics
… you'll get there, who is going with you, and when you'll be back. Be home at the agreed-upon time, or else find a way to … you'll get there, who is going with you, and when you'll be back. Be home at the agreed-upon time, or else find a way to …
Health topics
… or other objects usually just further presses the wax against the eardrum. Most earwax problems can be handled … or other objects usually just further presses the wax against the eardrum. Most earwax problems can be handled …
Medical tests
… to record your heart rate and rhythm. You will lie on your back on an X-ray table. Ask for a pad or blanket to make … normal position may mean that a tumour or other growth is pushing against them. A bulge in a blood vessel may mean a weakness …
Health topics
… red spots may appear on the arms, hands, face, neck, or back. Exposure to ultraviolet light (such as sunlight or … get all the nutrients you need. Avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Talk with your doctor about any vaccines you may need, including COVID-19, flu, and pneumococcal vaccines. If you do get sick …
Health topics
… where it will be easy to get to but not in the way, such as against the wall. Keep the area near the commode free from … stand up if needed. Help the person slowly turn and step back to the commode. If they can, have them reach back and hold onto both arms of the commode as they sit …