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2387 results found
Health topics
… dust mites). It's important that you have extra protection against influenza (flu) and COVID-19. Get vaccinated for the flu and COVID-19. How can you manage asthma during pregnancy by …
Health topics
… your problems worse. For example, try not to reach into the backseat of your car or stretch your arms toward your back. Be careful when you start your exercises. Slow down or … chance that one of the tendons will be squeezed and rub against the bone. This is called impingement. These …
Health topics
… the vitreous gel gives your eye doctor better access to the back of the eye. This surgery is done by an eye doctor ( … or gas bubble into the eye. This lightly presses the retina against the wall of the eye. If an oil bubble is used, the … the vitreous gel gives your eye doctor better access to the back of the eye. This surgery is done by an eye doctor ( …
Health topics
… are used regularly, but especially when they have to work against something. This is called "resistance." For example, … With the increased weight, you might have to go back to 8 repetitions. When you can do 12 repetitions with … With the increased weight, you might have to go back to 8 repetitions. When you can do 12 repetitions with …
Health topics
… prevent the spread of infections like influenza (flu) and COVID-19. You can have an infection but not have any … can get very sick or die from an infection like the flu or COVID-19. And some people are at higher risk for serious … stiffer fabric and a different shape that doesn't press against your mouth. If it feels better, wear a mask that …
Health topics
… If you become ill If you test positive for mpox Vaccination against mpox How it spreads Mpox can spread from animals to … include: Fever Chills Intense headache Swollen lymph nodes Back pain Muscle pain Fatigue or exhaustion Less common … some people may need treatment in hospital. Vaccination against mpox Imvamune® is the vaccine used in Canada to …
Health topics
… ventricles . So blood that would normally enter the heart backs up in your circulatory system. Most of the time, this … alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor. Get vaccinated against COVID-19, influenza (flu), and pneumonia. Ask your doctor …
Health topics
… on the retina, allowing the retinal tear to settle against the wall of the eye. The buckle effect may cover … plastic. In scleral buckling surgery, the buckle is placed against the outer surface of the eye and sewn onto the eye … the pull on the retina and allowing the tear to settle against the wall of the eye. Extreme cold (cryopexy) or …
Health topics
… Help skin ulcers heal and help prevent them from coming back. Will help the most if you wear them every day while … have the least swelling in your legs. Sit in a chair with a back. This gives you something to lean against as you put on the stockings . Hold the top of the …
Health topics
… diverticula form when high pressure inside the colon pushes against weak spots in the colon wall. Normally, a diet with … pressure. Pouches may form when the high pressure pushes against weak spots in the colon where blood vessels pass … diverticula form when high pressure inside the colon pushes against weak spots in the colon wall. Normally, a diet with …