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266 results found
Health features
… Papillomavirus) Certain cancers (Cervical, Anal, Throat), Genital Warts Influenza Vaccine Influenza (Flu) Pneumococcal Vaccine …
Health topics
… nerve runs through your pelvic region. This includes your genitals, urethra , anus, and the area between your anus and genitals (perineum). The condition is also known as pudendal … when you sit. You may have pain in your buttocks, genitals ( scrotum , penis, or vulva ), urethra, or …
Health topics
… the lips, tongue, nose, eyebrow, navel, nipples, and genital area. Each body piercing site has its own normal … can take up to a year to heal completely. Jewellery in the genital area may cause injury to you or your sex partner. It … penis can change the urine flow, cause recurring genital warts, and result in erection problems. Damage to blood …
Medical tests
… the brain. HSV tests are most often done for sores on the genitals. If blisters or sores are present, a sample from a … out whether HSV is causing sores around the mouth or on the genitals. Find out which virus type (HSV-1 or HSV-2) is causing sores around the mouth or on the genitals. Find out whether the sex partner of a person with …
… B, hepatitis C or hepatitis E; HPV virus, which causes genital warts and other problems). The vaccine is recommended for … B, hepatitis C or hepatitis E; HPV virus, which causes genital warts and other problems). The vaccine is …
Health topics
… of abuse may not be apparent without an examination of the genital area. These signs include: Bruises, scars, chafing, or bite marks in the genital area. Discharge from the vagina or penis. Rectal or genital bleeding. Anal tears or dilation. Symptoms of a …
… AIDS, hepatitis C/ hepatitis E, HPV virus which causes genital warts and other problems). The vaccine is recommended for … AIDS, hepatitis C/ hepatitis E, HPV virus which causes genital warts and other problems). The vaccine is …
… A, hepatitis C or hepatitis E; HPV virus which causes genital warts and other problems). The vaccine is recommended for … A, hepatitis C or hepatitis E; HPV virus which causes genital warts and other problems). The vaccine is …
Medical tests
… joints such as knees, shoulders, and hips. Fluid from the genital area, such as semen or cervical mucus. How It Is … In most cases, a needle is used to take out some fluid. Genital tests are done by taking a swab or sample of fluid. … osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Fluid from the genital area can be tested for bacteria and other germs. …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview When your child injures his or her genital area, the pain can be quite severe at first. … of the severity of the injury. After an injury to the genital area, it is important to watch for urinary problems. … our content . … Overview When your child injures his or her genital area, the pain can be quite severe at first. …