970 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccine you do not need to get RabIg. RabIg is given by injection into the area(s) surrounding the wound. It is …
HealthLinkBC files
… in a recycling box Do not share drug snorting, smoking or injection equipment such as needles and syringes, straws and …
Medical tests
… usually put it in through an IV in your arm or hand. The injection may be given over 1 to 2 minutes. Contrast … usually put it in through an IV in your arm or hand. The injection may be given over 1 to 2 minutes. Contrast …
Health topics
… safety, and a curtain is hung across your chest. A tiny intravenous (IV) tube is placed in your arm or hand; you may … safety, and a curtain is hung across your chest. A tiny intravenous (IV) tube is placed in your arm or hand; you may …
Health topics
Health topics
… long as 24 months. These antibiotics are given as pills or injections. For active TB, there are different treatment … long as 24 months. These antibiotics are given as pills or injections. For active TB, there are different treatment …
… before certain procedures such as inserting a needle for injections or drawing blood. It is also used before certain … before certain procedures such as inserting a needle for injections or drawing blood. It is also used before certain …
… interact with this drug include: testosterone (patch, gel, injection) anabolic steroids (including over-the-counter … interact with this drug include: testosterone (patch, gel, injection) anabolic steroids (including over-the-counter …