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1127 results found
Health topics
… or a relapse into another depressive episode. Suicidal thoughts Suicidal thoughts and behaviour are a risk for an antidepressant. But … or a relapse into another depressive episode. Suicidal thoughts Suicidal thoughts and behaviour are a risk for an …
Health topics
… to deal with them if they happen. Here are some tips for dealing with barriers: It's perfectly normal to try … to deal with them if they happen. Here are some tips for dealing with barriers: It's perfectly normal to try …
Health topics
… don't need. A normal result that is not correct ( a false-negative ). This can cause you to take no action. You may … how likely it is that the test would miss a disease ( false-negative ), would show that you have a problem when you … don't need. A normal result that is not correct ( a false-negative ). This can cause you to take no action. You may …
Health topics
… Rh factor in the mother's blood. In this case: A normal (negative) result means that the mother has not developed antibodies against the fetus's blood. A negative Coombs test indicates that the fetus is not … the fetus may be at greater risk of harm. A fetus who is Rh-negative will not be harmed, even if the mother is …
Health topics
… having shots every week for years would be a lot worse than dealing with my runny nose and itchy eyes for a few months … having shots every week for years would be a lot worse than dealing with my runny nose and itchy eyes for a few months … having shots every week for years would be a lot worse than dealing with my runny nose and itchy eyes for a few months …
Health topics
… time, never feels good enough, or worries a lot. You are dealing with stressful life events, such as divorce, moving … be hard to diagnose, because people often keep unhealthy thoughts and behaviours secret and may deny that they have a … psychotherapy (IPT) . In CBT you learn how to change negative thoughts that you may have about food, your weight, …
Health topics
… take them regularly, or if you stop taking them, your OCD thoughts and behaviours will probably return. … anxiety. A person who has OCD has intrusive and unwanted thoughts and repeatedly performs tasks to get rid of the thoughts. For example, if you have OCD, you may fear that …
Health topics
… or travel Something else What medical problems are you dealing with? List all of the health problems you are … or travel Something else What medical problems are you dealing with? List all of the health problems you are …
Medical tests
… of infectious mononucleosis and a rapid mono test result is negative. EBV antibody testing may also be done to check for … are usually ready within 1 hour. Rapid mono test Normal (negative): The blood sample does not form clumps (no … usually reported as positive (antibodies are present) or negative (antibodies are not present). The EBV antibody test …
Health topics
… immunoglobulin shot is given to pregnant women who have Rh-negative blood. You may have Rh-negative blood, and your baby may have Rh-positive blood. If … These shots protect future pregnancies. Women with Rh negative blood will need this shot each time they get …