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4919 results found
Health topics
… in the following ways: Manage symptoms by eating well, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding excess caffeine, … in the following ways: Manage symptoms by eating well, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding excess caffeine, …
Health topics
… They may be hard to put on, and it may take you awhile to get used to wearing them all day. But if they fit right, … They may be hard to put on, and it may take you awhile to get used to wearing them all day. But if they fit right, …
Health topics
… to develop tooth decay because food and bacteria easily get stuck in the pits and grooves of the surface. Some pits … to develop tooth decay because food and bacteria easily get stuck in the pits and grooves of the surface. Some pits …
Health topics
… your glasses or sunglasses when you are outside. Do not get anything in the eye from which the cataract was removed. … your glasses or sunglasses when you are outside. Do not get anything in the eye from which the cataract was removed. …
Health topics
… foot up on a stool or changing positions every few minutes. Get gentle exercise, such as walking. If you can, walk for … foot up on a stool or changing positions every few minutes. Get gentle exercise, such as walking. If you can, walk for …
Health topics
… well being. If you experience violence of any kind, try to get yourself and your child to a safe place. In case of …
Health topics
… confidence, overall mental state and sleep feel more energetic If you are new to physical activity, start slowly and … and stretching exercises.  Your biggest challenge may be getting started . Here are some tips: Try something you …
Health topics
… be playful yourself! If you like to sing or dance or put together puzzles, do these things with your toddler. It's also … or finger painting. Your toddler may need your help to get started and to understand what to do with the materials. …
Health topics
… your amniotic sac. Preparing for labour and birth is like getting ready for a marathon. If you have practiced comfort …
Health topics
… you and your support team partner's swimsuit, so they can get in the shower with you music player (with headphones) …