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4919 results found
Health topics
… be given in pills or through an I.V. Getting Enough Potassium High-Potassium Foods Potassium (K) … be given in pills or through an I.V. Getting Enough Potassium High-Potassium Foods Potassium (K) …
Health topics
… be passed to the baby through the birth canal. If the baby gets a GBS infection, it can be serious. So all pregnant …
Health topics
… menstruating. Practice birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. Lifestyle changes, such as exercising less and … menstruating. Practice birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. Lifestyle changes, such as exercising less and …
Health topics
… rare cases, problems may occur after acupuncture. You could get an infection, especially if the needles aren't sterile. … rare cases, problems may occur after acupuncture. You could get an infection, especially if the needles aren't sterile. …
Health topics
… Infection can develop in the eye from irritation, such as getting a small amount of a chemical in the eye. Infection … Infection can develop in the eye from irritation, such as getting a small amount of a chemical in the eye. Infection …
Health topics
… in your life. Take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Sun. Avoid the … in your life. Take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Sun. Avoid the …
Health topics
… the air is "thinner" so you need to breathe more air to get the same amount of oxygen. Because the air is also … the air is "thinner" so you need to breathe more air to get the same amount of oxygen. Because the air is also …
Health topics
… when they start having sex, the greater their risk is of getting genital herpes. Having multiple sex partners. Having … when they start having sex, the greater their risk is of getting genital herpes. Having multiple sex partners. Having …
Health topics
… objects into their vagina. Teens and adult women may forget a tampon or a birth control device. The most common … you will have to see a doctor. It is important that you get the object out as soon as possible. … objects into their vagina. Teens and adult women may forget a tampon or a birth control device. The most common …
Health topics
… time outside of the bedroom to talk about your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body image, fear … improvement. Agree on how or if you will both make changes. Get counselling, if needed. If you have trouble discussing … time outside of the bedroom to talk about your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body image, fear …