4919 results found
Health topics
… bumps that look like bubbles on the skin. You may get a blister on your foot when you wear shoes that rub against your skin. Or you may get one on your hand when you work in the garden without … last shot was. You have not received 3 doses of the tetanus vaccine series. For a clean wound , you may need a shot if: …
Health topics
… page: Getting tested for HIV can be scary, but the condition is treatable. So it is important to get tested if you think you have been exposed. Early … HIV will help your doctor find out whether the disease is getting worse and when to start treatment. The Public Health …
… Do not use a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose. This medication may react with other … you to use this medication daily, use it regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it … any undiagnosed illness or if they have recently received a vaccine. In these cases, taking aspirin or aspirin-like …
… fabric. Use this medication regularly as prescribed to get the most benefit from it. Do not use more of this … the rectal area may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Rarely, … Avoid contact with people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). …
Health topics
… For example, they may want to know what it feels like to get high. Or they may want to rebel against their parents or … young people use alcohol or drugs? Alcohol and drugs target a part of the brain that allows people to feel pleasure. … first, these substances may make a person feel happy, energetic, social, self-confident, and powerful. But after the …
Health features
… contaminated surfaces. There is no specific treatment or vaccine for EV-D68. Most people will get better on their own without any treatment. The risk of … Make sure your immunizations are up to date. There is no vaccine for EV-D68, but ensuring your other immunizations …
Health topics
… steps you can take to improve your activity and health. Getting started Deciding to be more physically active is just that: a … whether you are ready to be more active and how you will get started. Learn how to add more physical activity into …
Health topics
… medical care right away. If it is not treated, the illness gets worse fast and can be life-threatening. But most people who are treated with antibiotics get better. How is it treated? The infection is usually … called paracentesis (say "pair-uh-sen-TEE-sus") to get a sample of fluid from your belly. The fluid can be …
Health topics
… need to start slowly with breastfeeding. If your baby is getting tube feedings, one or two breastfeedings a day may … you find yourself feeling frustrated or worried about it, get help. Both the nurses and your lactation consultant have … your premature baby is ready to breastfeed. If your baby is getting tube feedings , you may also need to pump so your …
Health topics
… Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the weight off. This … using the program. Does it work? What percentage of people get to the maintenance phase of the program? What is the … Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the weight off. This …