976 results found
Health topics
… nose (snorted) or dissolved in water and taken through a vein (intravenously, or IV). It can also be taken by mouth … HIV, hepatitis , or allergic reactions when injected into a vein. Weight loss and poor nutrition from loss of appetite. … of cocaine "Track marks" where it has been injected into veins Long periods of time without sleeping or eating …
Health topics
… measure how much air you breathe out when you take long, deep breaths and push the air out of your lungs. For people … or FEV1. How much air you can push out after you take a deep breath, with no time limit. This is called forced vital … measure how much air you breathe out when you take long, deep breaths and push the air out of your lungs. For people …
Medical tests
… a radioactive substance called a tracer is injected into a vein. A gamma camera detects the radioactive material as it … upper arm to temporarily stop the flow of blood through the veins in your arm. This makes it easier to put the needle into a vein properly. A small amount of the radioactive tracer is …
Health topics
… be sniffed, snorted, smoked, or injected into a muscle or vein. Other names for heroin are smack, junk, H, and ska. … the brain. When a person injects heroin directly into a vein or smokes heroin, the rush occurs within seconds. It … or needle to inject it, a tourniquet or towel to find a vein, cotton, and matches to heat and dissolve the drug in …
Health topics
… in the skin or mucous membrane. A cut, puncture wound, deep scrape, deep burn, or any injury that breaks the skin or mucous … in the skin or mucous membrane. A cut, puncture wound, deep scrape, deep burn, or any injury that breaks the skin …
Health topics
… seem unusual. For instance, there may be multiple cuts or deep scratches on the arms, legs, or stomach. Odd blood … for you. For example, together you may learn that yoga, deep breathing, or certain music calms you. If it's an … seem unusual. For instance, there may be multiple cuts or deep scratches on the arms, legs, or stomach. Odd blood …
Health topics
… them (raise toward your ears). Forehead Wrinkle it into a deep frown. Around the eyes and bridge of the nose Close … not to create tension in your neck and head.) Chest Take a deep breath, and hold it for 4 to 10 seconds. Back Arch your … them (raise toward your ears). Forehead Wrinkle it into a deep frown. Around the eyes and bridge of the nose Close …
… at the injection site. This drug is injected into a vein only. This medication must not be injected under the … medication should be clearly labeled for injection into a vein only. To prevent accidental injection into the spine, … How To Use This medication is given by injection into a vein by a health care professional. It is usually given once …
Health topics
… from another part of your body. For example, the saphenous vein from the leg or an internal mammary artery from the … to get fluids, nutrition, and medicine. A thin tube in a vein in your neck that keeps track of your heart. A thin … from another part of your body. For example, the saphenous vein from the leg or an internal mammary artery from the …
Health topics
… ways you can practice MSBR. When you go outside, take a few deep breaths. How does the air feel? Warm or cold? Try to … ways you can practice MSBR. When you go outside, take a few deep breaths. How does the air feel? Warm or cold? Try to …