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3493 results found
Health topics
… will cause decreased lung function after about 3 weeks in children who have mild to moderate lung problems. footnote 1 … on the child. Consider the following: Younger and smaller children require less force and time than older and larger children or teens. Watch the child for signs of pain and …
Health topics
… learning disorder is a disorder that makes it difficult for children to learn from what they see visually. Children with non-verbal learning disorder often can … with math, because math is often taught visually. Children with non-verbal learning disorder usually want to …
Health topics
… is croup? Croup is a common respiratory problem in young children. It tends to occur in the fall and winter. Its main … An attack of croup can be scary, but it is rarely serious. Children usually get better in several days with rest and … with others can help prevent the spread of croup. As children grow older and their lungs and windpipes mature, …
Health topics
… a normal phase of language development. About 75 out of 100 children who stutter get better without treatment. footnote 1 The most common normal disfluency in children younger than age 3 is the repetition of … the beginning of sentences ("I-I want that"). After age 3, children with normal disfluencies most often repeat whole …
Health topics
… Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some children with dyslexia also have ADHD . But dyslexia and … that are heard are linked with dyslexia. Many times these children have problems remembering the sounds in words long … short list of instructions. Problems with mathematics. Some children with dyslexia have problems learning mathematical …
Health topics
… eyes should appear "straight" and work together. Babies and children with symptoms like "wandering eye" or crossed eyes … eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist), and all young children should have their vision screened. Some important points about your baby's vision: Children with a family history of a lazy or crossed eye are …
Health topics
… may be no better than taking a wait-and-see approach for children who have only a few throat infections a year. Your … occur less often as your child gets older. For some children, tonsillectomy can greatly improve quality of life. … remove the tonsils . It's a common surgery, especially in children, but it is not done nearly as often as it was in …
Health topics
… or a library. A violent relationship puts you and your children at risk for injury and even death. Getting a … order) is a step you can take to help keep you and your children safe. To get a protective order: Call your local … in a dating relationship The parents in common of minor children For a protective order to work effectively, you …
… increase your risk for side effects. It is recommended that children and teenagers, who need to use salmeterol to treat … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
… If the inhaler device is dropped or shaken, or if you accidentally breathe into the device after the dose has been … receive a flu shot annually. Discuss with your doctor. In adults, this medication can increase the risk of bone loss … To help prevent osteoporosis later in life, encourage children to exercise and eat a healthy diet (including …