3493 results found
Health topics
… in spurts but progresses at an overall steady pace. Most children gain an average of 3 kg (7 lb) and 6 cm (2 in.) … dramatic signs of physical development for this age group. Children lose and replace about four baby teeth a year … in spurts but progresses at an overall steady pace. Most children gain an average of 3 kg (7 lb) and 6 cm (2 in.) …
Health topics
… disease. But there are things that may make it less likely. Adults who are physically active may be less likely than adults who aren't active to get this disease or another type … to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Older adults who stay mentally active may be at lower risk for …
Health topics
… to your child. Experts say not to give decongestants to children younger than 6 years. In rare cases, fluid buildup … , gets blocked, fluid builds up in the middle ear. For some children, the fluid goes away in a few weeks. But a few children still have fluid buildup 3 months after it starts. …
Health topics
… seems to be gaining weight or height more slowly than other children of the same age and sex. A baby who has failed to … conditions, such as anemia or thyroid problems. Some children do not thrive as expected because they do not get … Months Growth and Development, Newborn Healthy Eating for Children Malabsorption Syndrome Current as of: March …
Health topics
… they may not say the words for them. The rate at which children learn to talk varies widely. But in general, you … called jargon. Speak at least 50 words by 24 months of age. Children often gradually add words for important objects, … this gap between speech and comprehension, they can help children manage their feelings. Current as of: March …
Health topics
… interact with others. When these interactions are positive, children learn that they have behaved in acceptable ways and … parenting tools to use with your toddler—indeed, with children of any age—is modelling behaviour that you expect. Children learn from what you tell them. And they learn even …
Health topics
… they lay and attach their eggs. Head lice is common in children. They are common because they can spread anytime a … 2 days after you use the medicine before washing your hair. Children should be able to keep going to school. Children should be encouraged to avoid head-to-head contact …
Health topics
… who is infected. Working in daycare centres for young children. For example, if you change a diaper and don't wash … if you touch your mouth or eat food that you've touched. Children in daycare centres are also more likely to get … Or your symptoms may come and go for some time. Some children with giardiasis don't grow or gain weight normally. …
Health topics
… is a rare but serious disease that most often affects children ages 6 to 12 years old. It can cause brain swelling … death. But if the disease is found and treated early, most children recover from Reye syndrome in a few weeks and have … don't know what causes Reye syndrome. It often happens in children who have recently had a viral illness such as …
Health topics
… that ASD is triggered by digestive problems. Parents of children with ASD who have food allergies or intolerance may … But food sensitivities aren't proven to be more common in children with ASD than in other children. Immune globulin therapy. It involves giving a shot …