6212 results found
Health topics
… like doing the things you need to do to keep your heart healthy. And this can raise your risk of having a heart … are problems their doctor needs to know about while treating their heart disease. Because your emotional health … like doing the things you need to do to keep your heart healthy. And this can raise your risk of having a heart …
Health topics
… damaged and not working well. It's also done to harvest a healthy kidney for organ donation. How Well It Works For … damaged and not working well. It's also done to harvest a healthy kidney for organ donation. How Well It Works For …
Health topics
… How can you help prevent DVT from travel? Even if you are healthy and have a low risk of blood clots, a long flight or … for a few minutes. If you are travelling by bus, train, or plane, get out of your seat and walk up and down the aisle … Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you have DVT symptoms, …
Health topics
… (hirsutism). If the cause is not a medical problem, treating it is often a matter of choice. That's because … may be able to reduce unwanted hair growth by reaching a healthy weight. Some women prefer to use various home … may be able to reduce unwanted hair growth by reaching a healthy weight. Some women prefer to use various home …
… you remember, take it at the same time(s) each day. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using … doctor or pharmacist says you may do so safely. Also avoid eating Seville oranges (often found in marmalade). … you remember, take it at the same time(s) each day. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using …
Medical tests
… low-carbohydrate or high-fat diet. Are starving or have an eating disorder, including disorders that result in poor … low-carbohydrate or high-fat diet. Are starving or have an eating disorder, including disorders that result in poor …
Health topics
… may also have a hard time sleeping and may not feel like eating. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are … may also have a hard time sleeping and may not feel like eating. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are …
Health topics
… failure, stroke, or if you are immobile (such as very long plane flights or bedridden). If you use estrogen-containing … breath/rapid breathing, chest/jaw/left arm pain, unusual sweating, sudden dizziness/fainting, pain/swelling/warmth in … and herbal products). Tell your doctor of any recent or planned immunizations/vaccinations. This medication may …
Health topics