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HealthLinkBC files
… person, in rare cases, a blood transfusion, an organ transplant or the shared use of needles or syringes contaminated … taking anti-malaria medication, there is a small chance of developing the illness, sometimes months later. If you … effects of malaria are more severe among pregnant women and developing babies, including a risk of miscarriage, …
… process. Dry hair thoroughly after the second rinse. If treating skin other than the scalp, wet the skin and apply the shampoo to affected area and the surrounding healthy skin. Lather and leave in place for 5 minutes, then … and apply the shampoo to affected area and the surrounding healthy skin. Lather and leave in place for 5 minutes, then …
… rarely cause nausea, restlessness, feelings of warmth, sweating, or weakness. If any of these effects last or get … diet. Remember that it is best to get your vitamins from healthy foods. Thiamine is commonly found in foods such as … diet. Remember that it is best to get your vitamins from healthy foods. Thiamine is commonly found in foods such as …
Health topics
… the risk of stroke and death. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle may work as well as surgery to prevent a … the risk of stroke and death. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle may work as well as surgery to prevent a …
Medical tests
… For example, a blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 is healthy as long as you feel okay. … For example, a blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 is healthy as long as you feel okay. …
Health topics
… Overview Being active is an important part of growing up healthy. But active kids can get hurt, especially when they … tennis elbow , Osgood-Schlatter disease of the knee, and plantar fasciitis of the foot. The following can help your … leg cramps while walking or running. Playing hard and sweating without drinking fluids can cause dehydration and …
Health topics
… This condition is rare. Finding the condition early and treating it can help limit long-term problems. But long-term … This condition is rare. Finding the condition early and treating it can help limit long-term problems. But long-term …
Health topics
… To treat only the member who is identified as ill is like treating the symptom of a disease but not the disease itself. … within the family and may help reduce symptoms such as eating disorders or alcohol use problems. But more specific … To treat only the member who is identified as ill is like treating the symptom of a disease but not the disease itself. …
Healthy eating
… K: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 is mostly found in plants and is our main dietary source of vitamin K. Vitamin …
Medical tests
… , your doctor will tell you how soon before surgery to stop eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly, or … , your doctor will tell you how soon before surgery to stop eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly, or …