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… 1 to 4 weeks after the tick bite, with up to 90% of people developing an expanding, circular red skin rash. Rocky … 1 to 4 weeks after the tick bite, with up to 90% of people developing an expanding, circular red skin rash. Rocky …
Health topics
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… temporary tattoos to their local health unit. The risk of developing a severe allergic reaction to henna increases … temporary tattoos to their local health unit. The risk of developing a severe allergic reaction to henna increases …
Health topics
… How advanced the cancer is. How rapidly the cancer is developing. Whether there are other health problems. The medicines and radiation used for treating cancer can be dangerous to the baby. Your doctor may … How advanced the cancer is. How rapidly the cancer is developing. Whether there are other health problems. The …
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… and third trimesters. During the first trimester, your developing baby (fetus) is growing quickly. Your body is … and third trimesters. During the first trimester, your developing baby (fetus) is growing quickly. Your body is …
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