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Health topics
… are at higher risk for cellulitis, such as those who have diabetes, a weakened immune system, or edema . They also … and legs often. This is especially important if you have diabetes. Treat any skin infection right away. Ask your … are at higher risk for cellulitis, such as those who have diabetes, a weakened immune system, or edema . They also …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. A very …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. This drug …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. This drug …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. This drug …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. This drug …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. This drug …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. A very …
… make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … such as increased thirst/urination. If you already have diabetes, check your blood sugar regularly as directed and … with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. This drug …
Health topics
… are the same for women and men. These include smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, … problems. Problems during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia , have been linked to a higher … disease that are common in women and men include smoking, diabetes, obesity, lack of exercise, and family history. How …