6417 results found
… and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional … heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes). Do not use this drug right before or after heart … history of worsening breathing with runny/stuffy nose after taking aspirin or other NSAIDs) liver disease …
HealthLinkBC files
… 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19. The vaccines cause your body to produce antibodies that will help protect you … People 65 years of age and older Residents of long-term care and assisted living facilities People with underlying … and those with certain chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or lung disease. For some people, …
Health topics
… You may have emotional reactions that are different from your normal ones. For example, you may have fits of crying or laughing that are out of your control. Also, a stroke can leave you with upsetting body changes that take away some of your independence. For example, some people may feel: Sad or …
Health topics
… services. Do not touch the "electrified person" with your hands . Unplug the appliance or turn off the main power … current entered the body and where it left the body. Call your doctor to discuss your burn injury. If you have a visible burn to the skin, an …
Health topics
… positional plagiocephaly. Flat head syndrome doesn't hurt your baby. And in most children it goes away on its own when … usually minor. Most of the time it's covered by hair as your child grows. What causes it? The shape of a newborn's … lies in the crib each night. For example, have your baby's feet point one way in the crib one night and then switch the …
Health topics
… liquid. The following recommendations can help you protect your child from drowning hazards. Don't leave babies and … protect against drowning. They aren't a substitute for your attention. Don't leave babies and young children alone … area. Don't dive into unknown bodies of water. Jump feet first. Don't push or jump on others while in the water. …
… and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional … angina) high blood pressure overactive thyroid seizures diabetes swelling of an artery (aneurysm) a certain tumor of … be increased if you have certain medical conditions or are taking other drugs that may cause QT prolongation. Before …
Health topics
… package information that tells the best way to store your insulin. You can keep open bottles with you if you keep … for storing and using the insulin. Diabetes in Children: Giving Insulin Shots to a Child Diabetes: Giving Yourself an Insulin Shot Gestational …
Medical tests
… tracer liquid is put into a vein (intravenous, or IV ) in your arm. The tracer moves through your body, where much of … Before you have a PET scan, tell your doctor if: You have diabetes. If you take medicine to control diabetes, you may … medicines or natural health products. You may need to stop taking some medicines or change your dose before this test. …
Health topics
… might have a backache and feel some pelvic pressure, as if your period is starting. Some women will also feel … diarrhea. You have "show" (slightly pink, vaginal mucus). Your water (amniotic sac) leaks or ruptures. Tips for you … breaks or leaks, put on a sanitary pad and call your healthcare provider. If your water leaks or breaks and the liquid …