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Health topics
… You may have felt ready for baby to come for a while, but your baby may still be perfectly happy inside. It can be very hard to wait to meet your baby! Wondering what your baby looks like at 40 weeks? Your baby is now about the …
Health topics
… playing near other children (parallel play). However, your toddler is probably not yet able to play with other … feelings to language and pretend play. For example, your toddler may roar like an angry lion Has many strong … that he has trouble expressing Play and activity Provide your toddler with opportunities to play with other children, …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Wash your hands often and prepare foods properly to reduce the risk of foodborne illness . How to wash your hands Follow these steps for handwashing: footnote 1 Wash your hands with running water, and apply soap. Rub your
Health topics
… concerns, but none of them means you can't breastfeed your baby. For many, breastfeeding is much simpler than … nothing to sterilize and nothing to warm up or cool down. Your milk is always ready for your baby and always at the … all , it's free! If you have concerns, talk to your healthcare provider, a public health nurse or a lactation …
Health topics
… get them—by finding out what things, or triggers, bring on your headaches. You can try to avoid triggers to prevent … To prevent headaches: Use a headache diary to find your triggers. Manage stress. Seek treatment if you have … eye strain from computers at work and at home. Don't clench your jaw. Clenching can cause muscle tension in your face. …
Health topics
… need about 10 hours of sleep each night. Tips to help your teen If your teen is showing signs of not getting enough sleep, you can try these tips. Talk about how your teen's body is changing. Explain the need for more …
Health topics
… injuries. If a crib doesn't meet current safety standards, your baby may be injured. A properly constructed crib has: … or broken parts, don't use the crib and don't try to fix it yourself. Get a crib that doesn't need any repairs. Do not … to learn more. Keeping your child safe in a crib The crib is the one place where …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your nutrition needs increase during pregnancy. Your body needs protein , carbohydrate , and fats for … to make sure you get enough iron and folic acid. Your daily calories needs In the first trimester, you'll …
Health topics
… toes. But what about vision and hearing?How can you be sure your baby's senses are developing? Here are some things to … any concerns about your baby’s vision, contact your healthcare provider. Hearing Special equipment is used to screen … baby is having ear or hearing problems contact your healthcare provider immediately. Useful resources: Blocked tear …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview By week 12, you can now hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler heart monitor. Wondering what your baby looks like at 12 weeks? Your baby is now about the size of a lime. Average baby …