3521 results found
… people who have recently received oral polio vaccine or flu vaccine inhaled through the nose. Wash your hands well … people who have recently received oral polio vaccine or flu vaccine inhaled through the nose. Wash your hands well …
Health topics
Health topics
… And they don't protect your feet from hot pavement or cold weather. Get special help if you have foot problems. … And they don't protect your feet from hot pavement or cold weather. Get special help if you have foot problems. …
Health topics
… cancer pain Cancer: Home treatment for pain Heat and cold treatment for cancer pain Radiation therapy for cancer …
Health topics
… to carefully brush your teeth and tongue. Apply an ice or cold pack to the outside of your mouth to help relieve pain … to carefully brush your teeth and tongue. Apply an ice or cold pack to the outside of your mouth to help relieve pain …
Health topics
… to the back of the throat. The tubes help the ears drain fluid. They also keep air pressure in the ears at the right … ears equal to the pressure outside of the ears. Sometimes fluid or negative pressure gets stuck in the middle ear. The … trouble hearing. What causes them? Swelling from a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection can keep the …
Health topics
… breathing problems. Things like a stuffy nose caused by a cold or allergies can make apnea worse. Wear compression … stockings during the day. This may prevent a buildup of fluid and swelling of the tissues in the nose and throat at … stockings during the day. This may prevent a buildup of fluid and swelling of the tissues in the nose and throat at …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… enough fruits, vegetables, and fibre. Not drinking enough fluids. Or drinking too much coffee or alcohol, which can … enough fruits, vegetables, and fibre. Not drinking enough fluids. Or drinking too much coffee or alcohol, which can …