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… previa . Low iron levels ( anemia ). Too much amniotic fluid in the uterus (polyhydramnios). Miscarriage. Problems … the pregnancy to monitor the babies' growth and amniotic fluid. An oral glucose screen may be done early in pregnancy … They take a small sample from the placenta or from the fluid around the baby. CVS and amniocentesis both have a …
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Health topics
… may sometimes feel very hot and at other times feel very cold. Lose interest in daily life. You may lose interest in … phosphorus. You may also need to drink less water and other fluids if you have a low level of sodium in your blood. Your … ). Low levels of protein in the blood. This can lead to fluid retention and swelling. Scar tissue around the …
Health topics
… Jellyfish Stings: Allergic Reaction Marine Toxins Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment You … Jellyfish Stings: Allergic Reaction Marine Toxins Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment You …
Health topics
… and fallopian tubes when they are done having children, or between the ages of 35 and 40. footnote 4 This decreases … and fallopian tubes when they are done having children, or between the ages of 35 and 40. 4 This decreases their risk … and fallopian tubes when they are done having children, or between the ages of 35 and 40. footnote 4 This decreases …