4170 results found
… may rarely cause serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Get medical help right away if you have any … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: kidney disease liver disease (such as hepatitis B) thyroid disease chicken pox …
Health topics
… can help Canadians reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Health Canada … health and may reduce the risk of developing some chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, …
Health topics
… write down any thoughts that come to you. What if you had a disease that couldn't be cured? Would you want to be given … lead to your death if it's not treated? What if you had a disease that gets worse over time and affects your movement or memory, such as Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease? Would you want to be given …
Health topics
… with time. An MRI is helpful if your doctor suspects that disease or nerve damage is causing your pain. An MRI may … rare. Very few cases of low back pain are caused by serious disease or nerve-related problems. Imaging, including MRI, … right. An MRI is helpful if your doctor suspects that disease or nerve damage is causing your pain. No Sorry, …
… methadone, tapentadol) certain drugs for Parkinson's disease (such as entacapone, tolcapone) certain supplements … methadone, tapentadol) certain drugs for Parkinson's disease (such as entacapone, tolcapone) certain supplements …
… joint/tendon problems (such as tendonitis, bursitis) liver disease mental/mood disorders (such as depression) … joint/tendon problems (such as tendonitis, bursitis) liver disease mental/mood disorders (such as depression) …
… recent heart attack (within 2 weeks) overactive thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism) serious allergic reactions needing … recent heart attack (within 2 weeks) overactive thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism) serious allergic reactions needing …
… pheochromocytoma drug/alcohol/substance abuse Parkinson's disease This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy or blur your … pheochromocytoma drug/alcohol/substance abuse Parkinson's disease This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy or blur your …
… joint/tendon problems (such as tendonitis, bursitis) liver disease mental/mood disorders (such as depression) … joint/tendon problems (such as tendonitis, bursitis) liver disease mental/mood disorders (such as depression) …
… joint/tendon problems (such as tendonitis, bursitis) kidney disease mental/mood disorders (such as depression) a certain … joint/tendon problems (such as tendonitis, bursitis) kidney disease mental/mood disorders (such as depression) a certain …