4170 results found
… risk may be greater in older adults or if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease (for example, due to smoking, family history of heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or …
… risk may be greater in older adults or if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease (for example, due to smoking, family history of heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or …
Health topics
… , multiple sclerosis , muscular dystrophy , or Parkinson's disease . An immune system problem that causes swelling (or … This may happen if you: Have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When stomach acid backs up regularly into … Spasm Esophagitis Esophagus Tests Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Laryngoscopy Stroke Stroke Rehabilitation …
Health topics
… nutrition for health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, digestive problems, and eating … During Pregnancy Obesity Organic Foods Parkinson's Disease and Nutrition Pregnancy: Healthy Weight Gain … Diet Aids? Open/close information section Take Action Bowel Disease: Changing Your Diet Celiac Disease: Eating a …
Health topics
… Resources to help manage a medical condition or chronic disease with diet and physical activity . … Physical activity …
Health topics
… Overview Antiphospholipid syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that has been closely linked to some cases of … . … Overview Antiphospholipid syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that has been closely linked to some cases of …
HealthLinkBC files
… contacts may want to postpone travelling to areas where diseases or viruses such as Malaria or the Zika virus are … a medical alert bracelet if you have allergies, chronic disease, or other health concerns In case of an emergency, … from mosquito bites, visit HealthLinkBC File #41f Malaria Prevention . How can I protect myself against the Zika …
… This medication is used to treat a certain type of bone disease (Paget's disease) that causes abnormal and weak bones. Zoledronic … to take calcium and vitamin D each day. If you have Paget's disease, it is especially important that you take the …
Health topics
… Glasgow RE, Mulvihill SJ (2015). Treatment of gallstone disease. In M Feldman et al., eds., Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease , 10th ed., vol. 1, pp 1134–1138. Philadelphia: … Glasgow RE, Mulvihill SJ (2015). Treatment of gallstone disease. In M Feldman et al., eds., Sleisenger and …
Health topics
… What is whooping cough? Whooping cough (pertussis) is a disease that causes very severe coughing that may last for … Getting the pertussis vaccine can help you avoid the disease, make it less severe, and prevent you from spreading … medicines make it less likely that you will spread the disease. If you start taking antibiotics when you first get …