4170 results found
Health topics
… part of the body other than the genital area, it may cause disease in that part of the body. In general, complications … part of the body other than the genital area, it may cause disease in that part of the body. In general, complications …
Health topics
… Document Vietnamese Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a disease caused by the mpox virus. It enters the body through … on the situation in B.C., please visit BC Centre for Disease Control: Mpox . For information on the situation in … or possible exposure to mpox or other communicable diseases. If you become ill If you become ill and have had …
Health topics
… to these vitamin deficiencies. Infectious or inflammatory diseases. Diseases, such as HIV or Guillain-Barré syndrome , can … substances. Your family's medical history, including nerve disease. Your doctor will check your nerves. The doctor may …
Medical tests
… normal for you. Low values Low values may be caused by: A disease that interferes with the intestine's ability to … absorb nutrients (malabsorption syndrome), such as celiac disease , Crohn's disease , or Whipple's disease . Inflammation of the lining …
… This drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis). To … disorder (angioedema) heart problems (such as heart valve disease, irregular heartbeat, previous heart attack) kidney disease liver disease (including tumors) history of …
Health topics
… is because the immune system is usually able to fight the disease. Toxoplasmosis is dangerous to a pregnant woman and … is because the immune system is usually able to fight the disease. Toxoplasmosis is dangerous to a pregnant woman and …
Health topics
… Citations Wang DQH, Afdhal NH (2010). Gallstone disease. In M Feldman et al., eds., Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 9th ed., vol. 1 , pp. 1089–1120. Philadelphia: … Citations Wang DQH, Afdhal NH (2010). Gallstone disease. In M Feldman et al., eds., Sleisenger and …
… vitamin K deficiency, low platelet count) kidney disease liver disease diabetes stomach problems (such as ulcers, … However, low-dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention may be used if directed by your doctor. Consult …
HealthLinkBC files
… for 1 full month. To help protect you from hepatitis B disease, you may be given a hepatitis B vaccine and …
… infections in the heart (bacterial endocarditis) kidney disease liver disease stomach/intestinal problems (such as recent ulcers, … you to take low-dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention (usually 81-162 milligrams a day), you should …