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3061 results found
Health topics
… is more common in children than adults. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (Coxsackie virus), in children. Ulcers may appear on … smokeless (spit) tobacco, or use alcohol excessively. Skin diseases . Blisters in the mouth can be caused by immune system diseases, such as lichen planus , pemphigus vulgaris, …
Health features
… Getting sick from influenza can put you at risk of severe disease and its complications, including getting sick with … flu vaccine, and who is eligible to get it. BC Centre for Disease Control BCCDC provides health promotion and … and treatment services to reduce communicable and chronic diseases, injuries and environmental health risks. … …
Health features
… and public health practitioners, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control Emerging Respiratory Virus Updates web page. Useful websites BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Provides provincial and national … health, preventing and controlling chronic and infectious diseases, and preparing for and responding to public health …
Health topics
… : The CD4+ cell count is 350 to 499. Stage 3 (advanced HIV disease, or AHD) : The CD4+ cell count is 200 to 349. Stage … is less than 15% of all lymphocytes. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies untreated … the CD4+ count, the less likely it is that opportunistic diseases will occur. Most people who have untreated HIV …
HealthLinkBC files
… your arteries over time and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Another term for high blood pressure is … or hemp hearts on yogurt or oatmeal If you have kidney disease, or take medication to lower blood pressure, you may … for your health. Alcohol increases the risk of many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke and several …
Health features
… is Zika virus? Zika virus infection, also called Zika virus disease, is caused by a virus which is spread by the bite of … is currently being carried out at the B. C. Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory and the National … through your doctor. Useful resources BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) The BCCDC provides provincial and …
Health topics
… own blood before surgery. Key points to remember Getting a disease from a blood transfusion is very rare in Canada. The … this choice to protect themselves from the risks of disease or mismatched blood that are linked to blood … but not the blood you banked. How likely are you to get a disease from a blood transfusion? Getting a viral infection, …
Health topics
… is the most important thing you can do to slow down the disease and improve your quality of life. Smoking is linked … stay smoke-free increases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The most common cause of COPD is smoking. … is the most important thing you can do to slow down the disease and improve your quality of life. Smoking is linked …
Health topics
… a medicine called a statin to help prevent coronary artery disease and lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. … be a decision for you if you do not have coronary artery disease and have not had a heart attack or a stroke . If you have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or if you have …
Health topics
… child had any recent injury or been diagnosed with any new disease or condition? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in the following information. Injury, condition, or disease Health professional who diagnosed the condition What … child had any recent injury or been diagnosed with any new disease or condition? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in the …