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4138 results found
Health topics
… effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Medical tests
… medicine ( local anesthetic ) is used to prevent pain during this procedure. Intravenous (IV) pain medicine and a … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … to numb your skin. It's important to lie very still during the procedure. Tell your doctor if you need to move …
Health topics
… It doesn't damage nearby tissues. The layer grows back during the healing process. PRK may be used to correct … then back to the surgeon's office in the next day or two. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye … for you if you have keloids . The procedure may not be done during pregnancy or breastfeeding. You also may not be …
Health topics
… and cramping. How it is done Your doctor will place the IUD during an office visit. You may be asked to take a pain … to 60 minutes before you come in. This can help with cramps during the IUD placement. First, you will probably take a … You may be offered medicine to help with discomfort during the procedure. Your doctor may start by doing an …
HealthLinkBC files
… exhaustion, skin cancers, cataracts and other eye diseases. During the warm summer months, a child’s sensitive skin can … exposure? Try to keep toddlers and children out of the sun during the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is when the … your child’s skin and try to stay indoors or in the shade during the hottest time of day (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) If you …
Health topics
… develop, when they will start, or how bad they will be. During the first 6 months of life, infants have a high level … fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink extra fluids before, during, and after exertion and when you're in the heat. … alcohol. Children should keep a water bottle with them during school, play, and outings. Eat healthy foods. Healthy …