4138 results found
… giving herpes to your partner, do not have sexual contact during an outbreak or if you have symptoms. You can spread … barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during all sexual activity. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… works by stopping the normal growth of the uterus lining during the menstrual cycle and signaling hormone changes in … uterus, this drug is usually taken once daily for 5-10 days during the second half of the planned menstrual cycle or as … clothing when outdoors. This medication should not be used during pregnancy. If you become pregnant or think you may be …
… under the skin as directed by your doctor. For use during chemotherapy, it is usually given once during each chemotherapy cycle. However, it should not be … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… condition and response to treatment. Drink plenty of fluids during treatment with this medication unless otherwise … use it (for example, one spray at bedtime and another spray during the night or early in the morning). Ask your doctor … a doctor about Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious illness. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… constipation and straining. Constipation and straining during bowel movements and urination causes increased … needed. In most cases, a doctor can find an inguinal hernia during the physical examination. Other tests may be needed … high in fibre and will make it easier to avoid straining during bowel movements. Do not smoke. Smoking can cause …
Medical tests
… biopsy.) You will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the biopsy. A chest X-ray is usually taken after a … If you are given general anesthetic, you will be asleep during the biopsy. Risks A lung biopsy is generally a safe … you more likely to get a collapsed lung ( pneumothorax ) during the biopsy. Your doctor may need to place a tube in …
Health topics
… cheeks, noses, and foreheads. This baby acne may show up during the first few weeks of life and usually clears up on … Tiny white spots very often appear on a newborn's face during the first week. The spots are called milia (say … weeks and aren't harmful. The baby's skin looks blotchy. During the first day or two of life, many babies get …
… if you are pregnant or if you plan to become pregnant. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when … It may slightly increase the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for … any serious side effects, including: interrupted breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) mental/mood changes (such as …
Health topics
… to throw the ball constantly pull on the medial epicondyle during throwing and pull the soft growth centre apart. In … to throw the ball constantly pull on the medial epicondyle during throwing and pull the soft growth centre apart. In …
Health topics
… periods. A woman's symptoms may change just before or during her period. Asthma Action Plan … periods. A woman's symptoms may change just before or during her period. Asthma Action Plan …