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Health topics
… oximeter is a device that checks to see how much oxygen your blood is carrying. Usually a small clip is put on the end of your finger. (Sometimes it's put on your toe or earlobe.) … different times, during exercise, or anytime your symptoms get worse. Keep a record of your levels in case you need to …
Health topics
… are present in plaque, a clear, sticky substance that your mouth produces. What are the symptoms? Healthy gums are … fit snugly around the teeth, and do not bleed easily. When you have gum disease, you may see changes to your gums. … painful, so you may not notice the symptoms and may not get the treatment you need. In periodontitis, the symptoms …
Health topics
… tremor is a movement disorder. It's a type of shaking that you can't control. It may start in the hand or fingers. The … the shaking may be caused by changes in certain parts of your brain. It's more common if one or both of your parents … tremors are causing problems for you, you can choose to get treatment. How can you care for yourself at home? Take …
Health topics
… lungs. Infections. Premature babies are more likely to get lung infections, often from respiratory syncytial virus … birth. The most common first symptom is trouble breathing. Your newborn may: Grunt or breathe fast. Flare the nostrils. … chest, and belly muscles to breathe. This can look like your baby is "sucking in" air between or under the ribs. …
Health topics
… of the arms, legs, and trunk and the muscles that help you breathe. In foodborne botulism, symptoms generally begin … food and for infants 3 to 30 days. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history and physical … to complete, so treatment will start before your doctor gets the results. Other tests that may be done include a …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … pharmacist before you start using timolol and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or … eye. Wait several minutes for your vision to clear before driving or operating machinery. Do not rinse the dropper. …
Health topics
… spinal stenosis is changes in the spine that can happen as you get older. These changes include thickening of soft tissues, …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … seizures), use this medication regularly as directed to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). Older adults may be more sensitive to its effects, …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … legs (peripheral neuropathy), and nervous system problems. Get medical help right away if you have any of the following … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). Older adults may be at greater risk for tendon problems …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … legs (peripheral neuropathy), and nervous system problems. Get medical help right away if you have any of the following … this drug. Discuss the risks and benefits with the doctor. Older adults may be at greater risk for tendon problems …