6339 results found
Health topics
… fibrillation don't have to change their daily activities. You can live well and safely with atrial fibrillation. There … And avoid strenuous exercise if it causes symptoms. Driving You can drive unless your doctor advises against it. … And avoid strenuous exercise if it causes symptoms. Driving You can drive unless your doctor advises against it. …
Health topics
… the first two or three hours after birth. During this time you might experience tremors and chills, as well as … from after-pains, episiotomy or tears, and hemorrhoids. You may also feel dizzy or faint if you stand up. If … skin to skin contact to help keep baby warm if you need to get up. Resources and links: Labour and delivery …
Health topics
… of the rapid changes and intensity of labour at this time, you may not get much relief from pain and discomfort between … This can make it very difficult to remain calm and focused. You might feel extremely irritable and sensitive and have …
Health topics
… tachycardia (SVT) means that from time to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, … to 100 beats a minute. SVT may start and end quickly, and you may not have symptoms. SVT becomes a problem when it … or faint. You have shortness of breath that is new or getting worse. Examinations and Tests Your doctor will …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … avoid taking with it. See also Drug Interactions section. Get medical help right away if any of these very serious … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of …
Health topics
… a pill. It can also be a liquid. An overdose can occur if you swallow, snort, or inject fentanyl. You can't overdose just by touching fentanyl. Why is … a fentanyl overdose if it's given soon enough. You can get a naloxone kit without a prescription at most drugstores …
Health topics
… Information Why do people sweat? Sweating is your body's way of cooling down and getting rid of some chemicals. Sometimes heavy sweating is normal. You may sweat a lot when you exercise, when you are too hot, …
Medical tests
… another test is done to confirm a syphilis infection. Your doctor may choose from many tests to screen for and … a syphilis infection. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve … important to many health problems. STI Testing: Should I Get Tested for a Sexually Transmitted Infection? Why It Is …
Health topics
… joint. What causes it? Nursemaid's elbow usually occurs in young children. It happens when a young child is pulled or lifted by the hand or wrist while … hand. Or it could happen when you pull a child's hand to get them to move faster or when you hold onto a child's …
Health topics
… Skin Cancer: Protecting Your Skin Actionset Overview Excessive exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin cancer. You can reduce your risk for skin cancer by: Protecting your … surface (especially bleeding), or colour of a mole. Get to know your skin Skin cancer, including melanoma, is …