6339 results found
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … before you start receiving ranibizumab and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or …
Health topics
… injuries. If a crib doesn't meet current safety standards, your baby may be injured. A properly constructed crib has: … or footboard. A child's head, hands, arms, or legs can get stuck. No corner posts. Clothing can attach to these … these parts, and the crib can collapse. Lead-free paint. Older cribs may have paint that has lead in it. Babies can …
Health topics
… contact with infected saliva or droplets from coughing. You cannot get SARS from brief, casual exposure to an infected person, … muscle aches, a sore throat, fatigue, and diarrhea. An older person may feel generally unwell (malaise) and lose …
Health topics
… it? Thrush occurs when a yeast grows out of control. Babies get thrush because their immune systems aren't strong enough to control the yeast's growth. Older people get thrush because their immune systems weaken … by looking at the white patches. The doctor will also ask you questions about your or your child's health. If your …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … (possibly fatal) liver disease. The risk may be greater in older adults, people with liver disease, people with stem … who receive this medication for a long period of time. Get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of …
Health topics
… Making Your Change Happen On this page: Overview Related … times, like when you're watching TV, using a computer, or driving. Use of another substance, like alcohol or tobacco. … simple, healthier snacks or gum on hand that will help you get past the cravings. If you think you'll have tobacco, …
Health topics
… some time or another. Being a wise health consumer can help you ask the right questions at your doctor appointments or … First Appointment Follow-Up Appointment Funeral Planning Getting a Second Opinion Getting Support When You Have a … I Buy Commercial Tests? Healthy Aging: Is It Time to Stop Driving? Hearing Loss: Should I Get Hearing Aids? Heart …
Health topics
… of blood or fluid quickly. Receive kidney dialysis if you have kidney failure. A CVAD may be used to draw blood … catheter under the skin helps keep it in place better, lets you move around easier, and makes it less visible. Implanted … This can happen from a blood clot or from something else getting stuck in the line. Regular flushing of the CVAD can …
Health topics
… of the leg. In a few people, it shifts toward the inside. Your knee joint is a complex hinge that joins the two bones … the structure of the knee bones or how they are aligned. You are more likely to have patellar tracking disorder if … you have had this problem, the longer it will take to get better. Surgery usually isn't needed. How can you care …
Health topics
… Fetal heart monitoring is a way to check the heart rate of your baby (fetus) during labour. The heart rate is a good way to find out if your baby is doing well. It can show if there is a problem. … have to stay close to the monitor next to your bed. You can get out of bed and sit on a chair or stand near the monitor. …