6338 results found
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… make sure that the induction works and to reduce bleeding. You will be offered medicines for pain. What to Expect As your body returns to its non-pregnant condition, there are … doctor when it is okay for you to have vaginal sex. You can get pregnant in the weeks after an abortion. If you don't …
Health topics
… to 1 Month On this page: If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have many questions and strong emotions. … members and friends about your child's condition. Where to get more information about Down syndrome. The more you know …
Health topics
… types of bleeding in the uterus. It's not recommended if you plan to get pregnant. Ablation works by destroying the lining of the … will scar. This scarring reduces or prevents bleeding. You may be given gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists …
Health topics
… Alcohol Use On this page: Overview Overview If changing your alcohol use is a goal, then knowing what you'll gain by cutting back on or not drinking can help keep … adding too many empty calories to my diet. _____I'd like to get a better night's sleep. Drinking is affecting the …
Health topics
… The stitches are removed in time for the baby to be born. You may get medicine that makes you unconscious. Or you may get medicine that makes the …
Health topics
… pancreatic tumour and a lot of the tissue around it. Before your surgery, you may also have a laparoscopy so the doctor can look at … to see if it is free of cancer cells. This is known as getting "clear margins." Having clear margins improves the …
Health topics
… disease increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. If you have kidney disease, aim to do regular physical activity to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Regular physical … physical activity on five days per week. To get maximum health benefits, it is best to do both aerobic …
Health topics
… can be very painful). A stiff neck and back. Light hurting your eyes. Nausea and vomiting. Lack of energy. Drowsiness. … (seeing or hearing things that aren't there). If you think that you or your child has encephalitis, call your … medicine may make symptoms less severe, especially if you get the medicine right away. You'll also get supportive care …
Health topics
… crisis occurs when sickle-shaped red blood cells clump together and block small blood vessels that carry blood to … pain medicines, such as morphine, to ease the pain. You can prepare for a crisis in advance by creating a pain management plan with your doctor. This plan should include not only the types of …
Health topics
… the normal loss of fluid, urine, and stool. Babies also get few calories from early breastfeeding patterns. Their … to 2 hours) usually solves the problem. If it does not, ask your doctor or a lactation consultant for help. Sometimes … best to use methods other than bottle-feeding. Also, pump your breasts several times a day to help keep up and …