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6366 results found
Healthy eating
… per week and increase the number as you are able. Circle your friends and family around healthy foods as often as you … is a great way to connect with each other and have fun! Use a combination of fresh ingredients and ready-made foods … lower risk of disordered eating less use of cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol fewer behaviour problems and decreased …
Medical tests
… It's a common problem. Most erection problems are caused by a mix of blood vessel, nerve, or psychological issues. To find the cause, your doctor will first ask about your sexual history and do … or depression. The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs . Psychological tests may be needed if no physical …
Health topics
… Defects in Children On this page: Condition Overview Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment … congenital heart defects. Women who use illegal "street" drugs or who drink alcohol during pregnancy have a higher …
Health topics
… a few people, allergies to things like bee stings or nuts cause a whole-body reaction that can be life-threatening. Whether your allergies are dangerous or just annoying, the … Allergies: Should I Take Shots for Insect Sting Allergies? Drug Allergies Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise …
Health topics
… with formula Last updated June 10, 2024 Worried that your baby isn't getting enough to eat? Talk to your healthcare provider before you try adding formula. In the … reason that parents give their baby a supplement is because they worry their baby is not getting enough to eat. …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … and side effects. These include infection, early menopause , and pain that in rare cases could last for months. … to normal activities, compared to surgery. You have other health problems , such as severe lung or liver disease, that …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … the facts Your options Have tests to try to find out the cause of infertility. Don't have tests. To make family … How much will it cost? Talk with your doctor and your health insurer about costs. What else do you need to know …
Health topics
… consider the long-term implications of this commitment, because so many people with heart failure will progress to an … help with relatively simple but important tasks. You and your family may choose to assume a large role in managing … drive to these appointments and to other destinations too. Drugs. Most people with heart failure require multiple …
Health topics
… arthritis (JIA) is a disease that happens to children. It causes inflamed, swollen joints. This makes joints stiff and painful. Your child may have some pain and may walk with a limp. Some … JIA is treated with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDS) and other types of medicine to prevent joint …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … (chronic) sinusitis. Don't have surgery. Take medicines and use home treatment. Key points to remember Very few people … the flow of mucus from the sinuses or because of another health problem. Surgery can remove blockages and make the …