6364 results found
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… of transmitting it to others. You can greatly reduce your risk of transmitting HIV to others by taking … request that your first name, initials and birth date be used as your identifying information when your results are … HIV infection and are sexually active or you use injection drugs, it is important to tell your sexual partner(s) and …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … Key points to remember Circumcision is surgery. It causes pain during and after the procedure. After the foreskin … choose circumcision based on religious or cultural reasons. Health benefits of circumcision include being less likely to …
Health topics
… in and week out. If you're having problems staying with your plan, don't worry. You're not alone. You'll be glad to hear there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself back on track and stay there. If you … you become more active. But some of the most important health benefits come with being active over time. Your …
Health topics
… In fact, new parents need two support networks - one focused on healthcare and one focused on personal needs like emotional … Supportive partners A supportive partner can help to ease your fears and frustrations. Sharing a healthy lifestyle …
Health topics
… Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a combination of health conditions and activities puts pressure on the median … . The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel in your wrist. This pressure leads to symptoms. Anything that … makes the median nerve more sensitive. Things that help cause carpal tunnel syndrome include: Illnesses such as …
Health topics
… for some babies. Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries more than expected: more than 3 hours a … to feel scared, upset, or frustrated when you cannot get your baby to stop crying. But remember that colic is … normal—and temporary. Your baby will grow out of it. What causes colic? Doctors are not sure what causes colic, but it …
Health topics
… is a hormone imbalance that can affect ovulation. It can cause problems with your periods and make it hard to get pregnant. PCOS may also … body. If it isn't treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Most of …
Health topics
… it safe for you to have sex? If you have an arrhythmia and your doctor says that it's okay for you to do moderate … any concerns, ask your doctor. Your doctor can check the health of your heart and help you know if it's safe to have … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … Key points to remember Radiation therapy or surgery may be used to treat your prostate cancer. Both treatments work … how long you might live (your life expectancy), your other health problems, and how you feel about each treatment. You …
Health topics
… Even though you might think these problems just affect your appearance, they can make you feel miserable. It's important to pay attention to the health of your skin, hair, and nails so you can prevent … Sore Nipples Breathing Smoke or Fumes Brown Recluse Spider Bite Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Burns …