6364 results found
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … are removed. If you have your ovaries removed before menopause, you will go into early menopause. You may get hot … your ovaries removed may raise your risk for some long-term health problems, such as heart disease and osteoporosis . …
HealthLinkBC files
… a retrovirus that infects human white blood cells. It can cause disease of the nervous system or leukemia. Is this a new … control or constipation. To confirm that you have HTLV-1, your health care provider may send you for a blood test. How … needles, syringes or other equipment used for injecting drugs Sexual contact. Evidence shows that the virus is …
Health topics
… Vaccines are safe. Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) carefully check all vaccines for … would recover. footnote 1 Vaccines are safe even if you or your child: Has or is recovering from a minor illness, such … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Medical tests
… Overview A medicine blood level test measures how much of your medicine is in your blood. Your doctor checks it to … and effective dose. This testing is also called therapeutic drug monitoring. This information is about medicines that are not used to control seizures. Why It Is Done Certain types of …
Health topics
… make one or two cuts (incisions) over the broken bone in your hip. The pieces of bone are moved into the right … or plates. The surgery takes 2 to 4 hours. Most doctors use general anesthesia, so you'll be asleep. But the surgery … surgery. The choice depends on your doctor, on your overall health, and, to a degree, what you prefer. How It Is Done …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … from a strict regimen of meals, sleep, and exercise, because you can program it to match your changing schedule. … blood sugar. Insulin pumps are very expensive. Contact your health plan to see if costs for the pump and the supplies …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … Surgery can improve, but may not completely restore, the use of your hands. Dupuytren's disease sometimes comes back … bleeding, infection, and nerve damage. Your age and your health can also affect your risk. Don't have surgery for …
Health topics
… ICD? Here are a few things you can do to make the most of your ICD and feel good about it. Learn about your ICD. This … Know how it works, what it does, and how it keeps you safe. Use certain electric devices with caution. Some electric … stating that you have an ICD. You can buy this at most drugstores. Have a list of all the medicines you are taking …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … from prostate cancer. A high PSA level can have many causes, including an enlarged prostate, an infection, or, less … cancer These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers. They may be helpful as …
Health topics
… my body and my breasts to breastfeed. I have experienced abuse and am not sure I'll be comfortable breastfeeding. I … concerns, but none of them means you can't breastfeed your baby. For many, breastfeeding is much simpler than … best of all , it's free! If you have concerns, talk to your healthcare provider, a public health nurse or a lactation …