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HealthLinkBC files
… safety in child care facilities Last updated March 28, 2023 HealthLink BC File number 59d Download PDF Document English … Document Vietnamese Eating food contaminated with germs causes foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning. Common … illness. How can I prevent foodborne illness? Clean Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds …
Medical tests
… Some diseases, such as severe forms of thalassemia , may cause hemoglobin A levels to be low and hemoglobin F levels to … from a parent to a child (inherited). How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you are getting iron therapy for iron deficiency anemia . How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, …
Medical tests
… as hemolytic anemia . Also, being at high altitudes may cause reticulocyte counts to rise, to help you adjust to the … do anything before you have this test. How It Is Done The health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to stop the flow of blood. This makes the …
Health topics
… on how to increase the nutrition of the foods served in your school, please contact a public health dietitian in your area/district working with schools. … page: Overview At-a-glance overview Fact sheets Ready-to-use presentations Scoring summary reports Additional …
Health topics
… based on the meniscus's ability to heal as well as your age, health, and activity level. Your doctor will suggest the … is usually done as arthroscopic surgery. Your doctor uses a lighted tube called an arthroscope, or scope. The …
Medical tests
… glands then make a hormone called cortisol, which helps your body manage stress. Cortisol is needed for life, so its … cortisol (or low ACTH and high cortisol levels) could be caused by a problem with the adrenal glands. Low levels of … doctor wants a low (trough) ACTH level. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, …
Health topics
… is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a group of health problems that may include too much fat around the … . Together, this group of health problems increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. This … (CAD) . It also increases your risk for diabetes. What causes it? Metabolic syndrome is caused by an unhealthy …
Health topics
… also called transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to put in your … attend a cardiac rehab program. In cardiac rehab, a team of health professionals provides education and support to help …
Health topics
… Caregiver Tips On this page: Overview Tip 1: Take Care of Yourself Tip 2: Don't Help Too Much Tip 3: Ask for Help … Information Overview Many people care for a spouse, a parent, or some other family member who is disabled … of moderate or vigorous activity a week. footnote 1 Eat healthy meals and snacks. When you are busy giving care, it …
Medical tests
… . Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disease that causes red blood cells to be deformed ( sickle-shaped ). The … the disease. Sickled red blood cells often cause recurring health problems called sickle cell crises . One set of genes … provinces test newborns for sickle cell disease. Talk with your doctor for more information. Why It Is Done A sickle …