2639 results found
Health topics
… fungal infection that causes many small, flat spots on the skin. The spots may form patches, usually on parts of the … the face. The spots can be lighter or darker than the skin around them. What causes it? Tinea versicolor is caused … fungus . This fungus lives all around us, including on the skin. Normally it doesn't cause a problem. But sometimes it …
… yeast infections. Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. … (a vaginal cream or tablet). Some products also come with a skin cream to be applied to the area around the outside of … with others. To help prevent vaginal yeast infections, dry the genital area thoroughly after showering, bathing, or …
… your doctor or pharmacist. Inject this medication under the skin (subcutaneously) usually twice daily into the upper … (see Side Effects section). Side Effects Pain, redness, itching, bruising, hardened skin, or bumps at the injection … the dose to catch up. Storage Before mixing, store the dry powder and mixing solution at room temperature. Once …
… yeast infections. Clotrimazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. … (a vaginal cream or tablet). Some products come with a skin cream to be applied to the area around the outside of … with others. To help prevent vaginal yeast infections, dry the genital area thoroughly after showering, bathing, or …
… do not use the liquid. Inject this medication under the skin of the thigh, abdomen, or upper arm as directed by your … Side Effects See also Warning section. Bruising, redness, itching, pain, or swelling at the injection site may occur. … of a lack of vitamin A, especially vision changes such as dry eyes, blurred vision, or trouble seeing in dim light …
… cream is also an azole antifungal. It is used on the skin in and around the vaginal area to reduce symptoms such as burning, itching, and redness that may occur with a vaginal yeast … tells you to. To help prevent vaginal yeast infections, dry the genital area thoroughly after showering, bathing, or …
Health topics
… 1 or 2 times a day with soap and water. Don't scrub your skin too much, because that can irritate it. Dry your skin well after bathing. Use a deodorant with … buy these pads in sports or clothing stores. Let your shoes dry out for a day after you wear them. If possible, set them …
Health topics
… while leg control is temporarily limited. Shivering and itching. Blood pressure must be checked frequently. An … blood pressure dropping quickly. May cause throat to feel dry and sore after the anaesthetic due to the breathing tube …
Health topics
… are boils? Boils are red, swollen, painful bumps under the skin. They often look like an overgrown pimple. They are … skin. Gently wash the area with soap and water twice a day. Dry it well. Put warm, wet cloths on the boil for 20 to 30 … wash the area well with soapy water every day. Always dry the area well. Do not wear tight clothing over the area. …
Health topics
… treatment used to smooth wrinkles or pitted scars in the skin, usually on the face. They are also used to make the lips fuller. When injected under the skin, a filler raises or puffs up that area. This usually … expect some pain, redness, swelling, and possibly itching. Swelling may last up to 36 hours. If symptoms start …