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3676 results found
Health topics
… arm or a leg or the belly. It's a safe way to relieve pain during a procedure. It's often used with medicines to relax … of the knee, hip, or shoulder. It may also be used during childbirth. Types of regional anesthesia The main … let you know what to expect when you get to the hospital, during the surgery, and after. You'll be told when to stop …
Health topics
… when you are more active. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you exercise. To ease breast discomfort, … that it takes up to a year to lose the weight they gained during pregnancy. If you wish to lose weight while … activity or exercise is the safest way to lose weight during this time. Moderate calorie restriction (eating less) …
Health topics
… people lose as much as 1 L (1 qt) to 2 L (2 qt) of fluid during 1 hour of exercise. When you are not drinking enough … you can lose as much as 3 L (3 qt) of fluid an hour during an intense workout. Fluid loss in endurance … and hockey players all may lose large amounts of fluid during a game. High school and college wrestlers often …
Health topics
… care needs. Your doctor may talk about various issues during your baby's regularly scheduled checkups. In addition … with Down syndrome prone to minor blockages from mucus during respiratory infections. A stuffy nose forces your … You may want to discuss how the condition may be diagnosed during pregnancy. Current as of: March 1, 2023 …
Health topics
… Overview Constipation and hemorrhoids are common problems during pregnancy. Constipation Constipation causes less … And iron in prenatal vitamins also can cause constipation during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are swollen veins … they are inside the lower intestine. Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, because: The enlarged uterus puts pressure …
Health topics
… understood. Treatment with hormones such as progesterone during pregnancy may increase the risk of hypospadias. … How is it diagnosed? Hypospadias is usually diagnosed during a physical examination. If severe hypospadias is … to correct the placement of the urethral opening, usually during the first year of life. There are several different …
Medical tests
… clothing, such as a bra. You will be given a gown to use during the test. During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to … table and scanner move. It is very important to lie still during the test. You may be alone in the scanning room. But …
Health topics
… and drink Limit caffeine (coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas) during the day, and don't have any for at least 4 to 6 hours … drink so much that you have to get up often to urinate during the night. Healthy habits Go to bed at a regular … any thoughts or worries that may keep you up or wake you up during the night. Try to not use technology such as …
Health topics
… number of days in your cycle. You may have no discomfort during your menstrual cycles. Or you may have mild to severe … cycle? Your hormones control your menstrual cycle. During each cycle, your brain's hypothalamus and pituitary … play the biggest roles in how the uterus changes during each cycle. Estrogen builds up the lining of the …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Fetal ultrasound is a test done during pregnancy that uses reflected sound waves. It … fetus. Different details can be learned at different times during your pregnancy. First trimester ultrasound This test … the position of the fetus, umbilical cord , and placenta during a procedure such as amniocentesis or umbilical cord …