1245 results found
Health topics
… from pressure changes when diving: Barotrauma. Tissues near the air-filled spaces of your body—such as your ears, sinuses, dental roots, and lungs—can be damaged if … This can cause problems such as sinus pain or a ruptured eardrum. As you ascend, water pressure decreases, and the …
Health topics
… urination No Problems with urination How old are you? 11 years or younger 11 years or younger 12 to 55 years 12 to 55 years 56 years or older 56 years or older Are …
Health topics
… heat loss and help the body slowly warm up. Remain calm. Fear or too much activity causes sweating. Sweating can make … away from the heater or fire. If small areas of your body (ears, face, nose, fingers, or toes) are really cold or … bare skin. Place chilled fingers in an armpit. Cupping cold ears with warm hands. Putting cold hands, feet, or ears in …
Health topics
… you don't have signs of vision problems, get a complete eye examination to check for eye disease and vision problems: footnote 1 At least every 10 years if you are age 19 to 40. At least every 5 years if you are age 41 to 55. At least every 3 years if you …
Health topics
… and stopping when it's time Last updated August 10, 2013 Learn about the pros and cons of using soothers. For some … comforting or breastfeeding. Soother use can contribute to ear infections. If your toddler experiences frequent ear infections, limit the use of a soother. Sucking a …
Health topics
… back when you sit, stand, and walk. Good posture means your ears, shoulders, and hips are in a straight line, with your … let you place both feet flat on the floor with both knees nearly level with your hips. If your chair or desk is too … Before you drive, adjust your seat so that your knees are nearly level with your hips. Sit straight, and drive with …
Health topics
… Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care … upper back and neck. At the base of your head. Around your ears. In your jaw. Above your eyes. What causes tension headaches? The cause of tension headaches isn't clear. Tension or spasms of the muscles of the neck, face, …
Health topics
… in the nose, sinuses, throat, and the space behind the eardrum (middle ear). This may relieve pressure, pain, and stuffiness … for people who have certain health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes, or an …
Medical tests
… by your doctor. The sample is then spread on a slide (Pap smear) or mixed in a liquid fixative (liquid-based cytology) and sent to a lab for examination under a microscope. The cells are examined for … are collected if a Pap test is needed. The cells are smeared on a slide or mixed in a liquid fixative and sent to a …
Medical tests
… to see inside the eye. The test is done as part of an eye examination. It may also be done as part of a routine … retina. The retina detects images that pass through the clear, outer covering of the eye, called the cornea. The … It Feels Direct ophthalmoscopy During this test, you may hear a clicking sound as the tool is adjusted to focus on …