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Health topics
… problems. But sometimes symptoms can develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or injury. Neck problems and injuries most … try to move the person. A torn or ruptured disc. If the tear is large enough, the jelly-like material inside the disc …
Health topics
… well polluted with pesticides or other poisons from a nearby industrial plant could cause allergies, cancer, or … your illness. How is an environmental illness treated? Early treatment includes stopping or reducing your exposure … who breathe second-hand smoke are more likely to have ear infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis in the first few …
Health topics
… you are in danger. It makes hormones that speed up your heart, make you breathe faster, and give you a burst of … can you do about stress? The good news is that you can learn ways to manage stress. To get stress under control: … Look for ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life. Learn healthy ways to relieve stress and reduce its harmful …
Health topics
… the end of life? You will face many hard decisions as you near the end of life. Those decisions will include what kind … should you not be able to make decisions yourself. You may hear these terms: Curative treatment, which is any medical … exhausted. After Death Autopsy An autopsy is the thorough examination of a body after death to help determine how and …
Health topics
… other problems related to your SCI. And it helps you relearn how to do daily tasks, sometimes by using different … on which part of your spine was injured. Rehab can include learning how to: Prevent other problems related to your … the risk of pressure injuries. Be sure to perform skin examinations regularly. Mobility devices. The weight gain of …