1245 results found
Medical tests
… ) is injected into the vessel to make the area show clearly on the X-ray pictures. The angiogram pictures can be … all or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. During the test You will likely have an … levels in your blood, may be clipped to your finger or ear. Small pads or patches (electrodes) are placed on your …
Health topics
… do not need a vitamin D supplement. Iron. Babies born early haven't had enough time to build up an iron supply … before birth. So they usually get iron drops for the first year after birth. If you have questions, talk with your … things can reduce your baby's chances of choking or getting ear infections. During the first few weeks, burp your baby …
HealthLinkBC files
… offer human milk if you’re able to, until your baby is 2 years or older. Why is human milk good for my baby? Human … development Results in fewer infections, such as pneumonia, ear infections and diarrhea, compared to babies who are not … decide how long to feed for. Start feeding when they show early signs of hunger and stop when they show signs of …
Medical tests
… during the test. You may want to bring a sanitary pad to wear after the test. That's because some of the dye may leak … need to empty your bladder. You will lie on your back on an examination table with your feet and legs supported by … The dye may leak through the wall of the uterus, showing a tear or hole in the uterus. The uterus may have an abnormal …
Health topics
… What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is an infection of the heart's valves and inner lining of the heart chambers. It occurs when germs get into the bloodstream … and your symptoms. The doctor will also do a physical examination to check for signs of the infection. These signs …
Health topics
… of all ages, but it's most common in babies younger than 1 year old. It is never okay to shake or throw a child. It may … shakes the baby. Parents can help prevent this problem by learning healthy ways to relieve stress and anger. It's also … including when changes in behaviour began. Do a physical examination to look for signs of injury and increased blood …
Health topics
… is a pregnancy problem in which the placenta separates too early from the wall of the uterus. The placenta is a round, … breaks away (abrupts) from the wall of the uterus too early, before the baby is born. Placental abruption can be … will ask questions about your symptoms and do a physical examination. Tests that may be done include: Fetal heart …
Health topics
… the pull (traction) on the retina, allowing the retinal tear to settle against the wall of the eye. The buckle effect … the eye, relieving the pull on the retina and allowing the tear to settle against the wall of the eye. Extreme cold … buckling surgery. You should have a follow-up vision examination after about 6 months to check for vision …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A gallium scan is a nuclear medicine test that can check for problem areas in … 2 hours before the scan. This is to help your doctor more clearly see the areas of your body that are being studied. How It Is Done A gallium scan is usually done by a nuclear medicine technologist. In most cases, a radiologist or …
Health topics
… with growth and development. These can affect behaviour, hearing, and learning and can slow the child's growth. In adults, lead … diagnosed? The doctor will ask questions and do a physical examination to look for signs of lead poisoning. If your …