5079 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the rotavirus … Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the rotavirus vaccine? The rotavirus vaccine is … It is much safer to get the vaccine than to get a rotavirus infection. Most babies do not have any reactions after they …
HealthLinkBC files
… Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the … Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the DTaP-HB-IPV-Hib vaccine? Babies get the … of the body's muscles. It most commonly occurs after infections, but in rare cases can also occur after some …
Health topics
… the bladder, to reach the kidneys. This can lead to kidney infection, scarring, and damage. What causes it? There are … of a UTI in a small child. So a urinary tract infection should be suspected in any child who has a high fever … of VUR usually go away completely by the time a child is 5 years old. With VUR, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more …
HealthLinkBC files
… Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the DTaP-IPV-Hib … Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccine? The DTaP-IPV-Hib … DTaP-HB-IPV-Hib vaccine also protects against hepatitis B infection. For more information, see HealthLinkBC File #105 …
Medical tests
… Hearing Tests On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How … tests may be done: To check, or screen, babies and young children for hearing problems that might affect their … Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be tested. To screen children and teens for hearing …
HealthLinkBC files
… Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the hepatitis B … with the vaccine at a young age is important. Who should get the hepatitis B vaccine at birth? The hepatitis B … mother has hepatitis B, or is at high risk of hepatitis B infection. A baby who has a household member or caregiver …
Health topics
… think your nose may be broken. This increases your risk of infection . A blood clot forms in the tissue that separates … occur after a head injury or after surgery on the nose or ears. There is a chance that you may get a CSF infection, … come to. But unless something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass pretty quickly and you should soon feel about as …
Health topics
… around the brain and spinal cord. It's usually caused by an infection. The infection occurs most often in children, teens, and young adults. Also at risk are older … be watched carefully to prevent serious problems such as hearing loss, seizures, or brain damage. Can it be prevented? …
HealthLinkBC files
… a man. The virus is also more common in people who are 40 years or older Giving birth or breastfeeding. About one … especially if they breastfeed for 6 months or more Should I breastfeed if I have HTLV-1? If you are infected … or chestfeeding . How can I protect myself against infection from HTLV-1? You can protect yourself from being …
… medication is an antibiotic used to treat certain bacterial infections. This medication is known as a macrolide … a vein as directed by your doctor, usually once daily. It should be injected slowly over 1 hour. If you are giving this medication to yourself at home, learn all preparation and usage instructions from your health …