5080 results found
… The FDA and Health Canada are allowing this vaccine to be given for emergency/interim use to people 18 years old and older. You can get more information from your … precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular …
… cause very serious problems from blood clots (such as heart attack, stroke, blood clots in the lungs/legs, … Store at room temperature. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet … precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular …
Medical tests
… (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for changes in your heart while you exercise. Sometimes EKG abnormalities can be … motor-driven treadmill or pedal a stationary bicycle. The heart is a muscular pump made up of four chambers . The two … disease. How To Prepare Your doctor may recommend how you should eat before the test. For example, your doctor may …
Health topics
… it easier for you to exercise and stay active. Exercise should be balanced with rest and joint care. If your joints … pain and stiffness: Aerobic activity strengthens your heart and lungs and builds your endurance. For aerobic … knee, you may be able to reduce the stress on your knee by wearing the right shoes or by adding insoles to your shoes. …
Health topics
… history. This may include your use of alcohol, risk of HIV infection, or exposure to toxic substances. Your family's … Install sturdy handrails on stairways. Put grab bars near your shower, bathtub, and toilet. Use a cane or walker … or a magnifying mirror attached to the bathroom wall near the baseboard to inspect your feet. …
Health topics
… come in contact with these plants, like clothing, sporting gear, gardening tools, or pet fur. Exposure to smoke from … Try not to scratch the rash. Scratching could cause a skin infection. If itching affects your sleep, ask your doctor if … it right away. The best way to prevent future rashes is to learn to identify these plants and avoid them. When you can't …
Health topics
… Scratching leads to more scratching. Cut nails short or wear cotton gloves at night to prevent scratching. Wear … Scratching leads to more itching and may cause a skin infection to develop. Cut nails short or wear cotton gloves … mittens or cotton socks on the hands of babies and young children to prevent scratching. Over-the-counter medicines …
Health topics
… Heart Failure: Less Common Symptoms On this page: Overview … Overview While there are certain symptoms that people with heart failure experience more commonly, there are many other … cavity ascites, tenderness, or fever can indicate an infection in this fluid buildup. Backup of blood and fluid …
Health topics
… This leads to poor blood flow in the placenta. It's not clear what causes this placenta problem and why the mother … oxygen. Also, blood volume doesn't increase as much as it should during pregnancy. This can affect the baby's growth … death. This is why women with pre-eclampsia are often given medicine to prevent eclampsia. Blood . Low platelet …
Health topics
… other problems, such as gallbladder disease, cancer, or an infection. Learn more Chronic Myofascial Pain Osteoarthritis Scoliosis … in your back, neck, jaw, upper belly, or one or both shoulders or arms . Feeling dizzy or light-headed . A fast …