5080 results found
Health topics
… that happen when you are stressed, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all … and relieve stress. Breathing exercises are easy to learn. You can do them whenever you want, and you don't need … nose, and let your belly push your hand out. Your chest should not move. Breathe out through pursed lips as if you …
Health topics
… pregnant. And there's no fixed number of kilograms that you should be aiming for. Instead, there's a range of weight … Caesarean birth. An injury to you or your baby during childbirth. A poor supply of oxygen for your baby during … stillbirth . Having a baby with a birth defect, such as a heart defect or neural tube defects . Gaining too little …
Health topics
… used to describe a group of painful conditions. Examples of earlier names for these conditions include reflex … people, CRPS starts without an apparent reason. It isn't clear why some people get CRPS while others do not. What are … you can about the condition. Your doctor (or doctors) should be able to help you with this. The more you know …
Health topics
… may make you feel light-headed. You may have a rapid heartbeat and be short of breath. It also can lead to … in women than men. Most people who have it are 15 to 55 years old. It may occur when people travel to elevations over … come to. But unless something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass pretty quickly and you should soon feel about as …
Medical tests
… of radiation that may harm your fetus. It can be done as early as the 5th week of pregnancy. Sometimes the sex of … You may be able to leave your clothes on, or you will be given a gown to wear. Transabdominal ultrasound You may need … slowly than normal, is small, or is less developed than it should be for its age. The fetus is abnormally large for its …
Health topics
… does not occur. You can begin healing by walking or bearing some weight, while using crutches if needed, if you … as you can, working up to 60 seconds. Stretching exercises should be continued on a daily basis and especially before … that you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . Media gallery …
Health topics
… for them to regain their balance if they start to fall. Learn some strength and balance exercises, and take the time … head, and stretch. Lower your arms, and breathe out. Do shoulder rolls . Gently rotate your shoulders up to the … that you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . Media gallery Shoulder …
Medical tests
… Overview A cardiac blood pool scan shows how well your heart is pumping blood to the rest of your body. During this … before the test. If testing will include exercise, you should wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Many medicines … need to take off all or most of your clothes. You will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. During …
HealthLinkBC files
… outside. When your house is quiet, it is also possible to hear rodents moving around between the walls, in attics, … can also accidentally harm pets, wild animals, or even children. If after taking preventive measures, a rat problem … you want to try rat poison, there are certain things you should consider: Set out non-poisoned food for a few days …
Health topics
… by a medical problem. It often starts during the teen years, when periods first start. But the pain often improves … cysts , cervical or uterine polyps , and fibroids . Pelvic infections . They can cause worse pain and cramping in your … HomeTreatment RelatedInformation Pain in adults and older children Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that you …