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Health topics
… every night while you sleep. It increases air pressure in your throat to keep your airway open. When you have sleep apnea, this can help … machine will have one of the following: A mask that covers your nose and mouth A mask that covers your nose only A …
Health topics
… Chronic constipation can affect the quality of your life. But you can work with your doctor to learn how to manage it with different … chronic constipation is often related to two problems with your colon. It may be because your colon doesn't move stool …
Health topics
… . Be sure to follow these medicine precautions: Your child's over-the-counter medicine will have a "Drug … Facts" label. On the label, you'll find directions for your child's age or weight, the dose to give, and how often … to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. Ibuprofen comes in liquid, …
Health topics
… may have hypoglycemic unawareness if you: Can't feel when your blood sugar is low. Have had low blood sugar many … Sometimes you can regain some ability to feel that your blood sugar is low. To do this, you need to avoid … low blood sugar levels for a few weeks. This helps teach your body how to react to low blood sugar again with warning …
Health topics
… health record Technically, any medical record you keep for yourself is a personal health record (PHR). You can keep … the term PHR for records that you keep on the Internet. Your health plan's website or a local hospital's website may have programs you can use for free to do this. And your information is protected so that only people with …
Health topics
… sex. They also worry about having another heart attack. Ask your doctor about your risk. Your doctor can help you know when your heart is healthy …
Health topics
… also pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which helps your knee stay healthy. When you don't move as much, you … a physiotherapist. But you can learn a lot, including: How your knee works and what arthritis does to the joint. Ways to put less stress on your knee, such as carrying lighter loads, losing extra …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses Folic acid is used to treat …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with your … pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with your
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with your … pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with your