1864 results found
Health topics
… nervosa (say "an-uh-RECK-see-uh nur-VOH-suh") is a type of eating disorder . People who have anorexia have an intense … better and stay at a healthy weight. What causes anorexia? Eating disorders are complex, and experts don't really know … to have anorexia if: Other people in your family have an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa. You …
Health topics
… mean 'healthy,'" she says. Maggie's strategies for healthy eating Maggie lost weight by focusing on one meal at a time. … to eat out. She just makes sure to allow for it in her eating plan. Maggie says she knows that to deprive herself … mean 'healthy,'" she says. Maggie's strategies for healthy eating Maggie lost weight by focusing on one meal at a time. …
Health topics
… diet? The Mediterranean diet is a heart-healthy style of eating. It features foods eaten in Greece, Spain, and other … countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. It emphasizes eating fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, high-fibre breads, … heart and blood vessels. How can you make it part of your eating plan? Here's how to eat a traditional Mediterranean …
Health topics
… it hard to eat. Loss of appetite. You may not feel like eating because you are sick to your stomach or food just … you to feel this way. Depression. You may not feel like eating because you are depressed. Depression can make you … lose muscle, fat, or both. Exercising to build muscle and eating healthy foods are part of treatment. Healthy eating …
Health topics
… Fill up on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eating at home Use meat as a side dish instead of as the … cook them. Then skim the fat off the top after it hardens. Eating out Order foods that are broiled or poached rather … Share appetizers and desserts. Healthy Eating Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Weight Management …
HealthLinkBC files
… can spread from hands to mouth. This can happen through eating, sucking fingers or when children put toys into their … touching the ground Right after leaving animal areas Before eating or drinking After cleaning and removing boots or … human food with animals When you and your child are in the eating areas: Wash your hands before eating or drinking Eat …
Healthy eating
… with popular Sell Sometimes items. Act to support healthy eating: A few examples of healthier food and beverages to … items. Engage students through activities such as creating the names for healthier menu items (e.g. "Crunchy …
Health topics
… Life Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Healthy Muscles Eating healthy foods Developing a Plan for Healthy Eating Healthy Eating for Canadians Quick Tips: Adding Fruits and …
Health topics
… clerk from Calgary. She's talking about a way of eating that helped her lose weight and brought her blood … to be a spokesperson," says Izzy. The DASH diet is an eating plan that is low in fat but rich in low-fat dairy … weight. And her blood pressure is 110 to 115 over 60 to 65. Eating more vegetables Izzy happens to love fresh …
Healthy eating
… for Healthier Baked Goods , pg 5. Act to support healthy eating: Ensure that everyone bringing food uses the …