3087 results found
Healthy eating
… word eczema is used to describe a number of chronic skin disorders. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of … and for you as a parent to watch. Physical comfort, sleep, social interactions and self-image can all be affected. Good … if the immune system is first introduced to the food by eating it. If the first exposure to a food is through the …
Health topics
… are a few different symptoms, such as chest discomfort, sweating, feeling anxious, having trouble concentrating, … be irregular. But these medicines keep your heart from beating too fast. They may also help relieve symptoms. Heart … your chances of getting sick or having a problem. Risk factors for atrial fibrillation include: Age older than 60. …
Health topics
… both feel better. Building Resilience Social Connections Stress Management Current as of: … both feel better. Building Resilience Social Connections Stress Management Current as of: …
Health topics
… They may also start to grasp political, moral, social, and philosophical concepts. Most teens want to do … They may also start to grasp political, moral, social, and philosophical concepts. Most teens want to do …
Medical tests
… motion that moves food through the intestines (motility disorders). Find swallowed objects. Generally, an upper GI … Belly pain that is relieved or gets worse while eating. Severe heartburn or heartburn that occurs often. How … 2 or 3 days before the test. You may also be asked to stop eating for 12 hours before the test. Your doctor will tell …
Health topics
… problem being treated. It also depends on other fertility factors such as age. You must feel comfortable that the … problem being treated. It also depends on other fertility factors such as age. You must feel comfortable that the …
Health topics
… Dizziness, shaking, or trembling. Stomach pain or nausea. Sweating. Chills or hot flashes. Feeling like you're choking. … Dizziness, shaking, or trembling. Stomach pain or nausea. Sweating. Chills or hot flashes. Feeling like you're choking. …
Health topics
… can cause older adults to limit their physical and social activities. Dizziness can also lead to falls and … may occur. Common causes of vertigo include: Inner ear disorders. Examples are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… artery disease. footnote 1 , footnote 2 If you have risk factors, signs, or symptoms of carotid artery disease, your … artery disease. footnote 1 , footnote 2 If you have risk factors, signs, or symptoms of carotid artery disease, your …
Health topics
… pain events (sickle cell crises) with medicine, and treating related health problems as they arise. Some people … Chronic Pain: Using Healthy Thinking Cause Sickle cell disorders are inherited. That means they are passed from … pain. You can prepare for painful events ahead of time by creating a pain management plan with your doctor. Some people …