4898 results found
… directed by your doctor, usually within 15 minutes before eating a meal or within 20 minutes after starting the meal. Do not inject into a vein or muscle … 15 minutes of injection or if you have low blood sugar. Not eating right after a dose of insulin may lead to low blood …
… Some people may need to be monitored for at least 4 hours after the first dose to make sure their heartbeat does not … your doctor right away if your MS symptoms are much worse after stopping ponesimod. The dosage is based on your … thinking. Ponesimod may rarely increase your risk of skin cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you notice any …
HealthLinkBC files
… have a brief illness with symptoms appearing around 6 weeks after they have been infected with the virus. You need a … scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), liver failure or liver cancer in a small number of people. Is there a vaccine for … be cured of HCV. It is possible to get re-infected with HCV after being cured. If you have chronic HCV, you should see …
… manufacturer's package or the hospital/occupational safety guidelines for details. Side Effects Chest soreness may … may rarely cause anemia, usually within 1 to 2 weeks after treatment is started. Tell the doctor right away if … manufacturer's package or the hospital/occupational safety guidelines for details. Side Effects Chest soreness may …
Health topics
… vagina. The doctor uses the heated wire to cut out tissue. After the procedure, another doctor will look at the tissue … abnormal cells. You may have mild cramps for several hours after LEEP. A dark brown discharge during the first week is … during LEEP can be checked for abnormal cell changes or cancer. Learn more Cervical Cell Changes on a Pap Test How …
Health topics
… On this page: Nate's Story Nate's Story After 8 years of trying to quit smoking, Nate was sick of … Nate started smoking in his teens with friends from school. After 2 years of smoking, he'd had enough. But by then he … spots on his gums, so Nate also worried a lot about gum cancer. Nate's doctor told him that the glands in his throat …
Health topics
… for dentures, and they don't affect the teeth around them. After you have an implant, it stays in. You don't have to … You may have swelling, tenderness, or both for a few days after the surgery. Your dentist may give you pain medicine. … for dentures, and they don't affect the teeth around them. After you have an implant, it stays in. You don't have to …
Health topics
… will go away on its own. Maybe your elbow has become sore after activity. Elbow injuries can be minor or serious. They … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… your risk of bruising and bleeding. Medicines used to treat cancer. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such … the medicine or if you need help to control your symptoms after you stop taking the medicine Current as of: … the medicine or if you need help to control your symptoms after you stop taking the medicine Current as of: …
Health topics
… IUD (Mirena). Hormone therapy. Medicines used to treat cancer (chemotherapy). Thyroid medicines. If you are having … the medicine or if you need help to control your symptoms after you stop the medicine. Current as of: March 1, … the medicine or if you need help to control your symptoms after you stop the medicine. Current as of: March 1, …