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4898 results found
Health topics
… on the skin that are present at birth or develop shortly after birth. They can be many different sizes, shapes, and … may need to be closely watched because they can become cancerous later in life. Café-au-lait spots are smooth … are pink-red at birth and darken to a red-purple colour after a few years. Port-wine stains are caused by blood …
Health topics
… This may help prevent headaches. Going a long time without eating can trigger a headache. Get treatment if you have … This may help prevent headaches. Going a long time without eating can trigger a headache. Get treatment if you have …
Health topics
… child during the test. Do your best to comfort your child after the test is done. Some common tests that your child … she wishes. Your child's doctor can give you and your teen guidelines on the confidentiality of the visit. If there is … she wishes. Your child's doctor can give you and your teen guidelines on the confidentiality of the visit. If there is …
Health topics
… This test helps confirm if the baby has spina bifida. After birth, a doctor can usually tell if a baby has spina … or nurse on managing bowel care as soon as the child starts eating solid food. As children with severe spina bifida … or nurse on managing bowel care as soon as the child starts eating solid food. As children with severe spina bifida …
Health topics
… believe that this damage is a factor in the development of cancer and other conditions. You are exposed to free … or prevention of some medical conditions, such as some cancers, macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, and some … believe that this damage is a factor in the development of cancer and other conditions. You are exposed to free …
Health topics
… What causes it? Most people get more than enough B12 from eating meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 deficiency … diet can prevent it by taking a daily vitamin pill or by eating foods that have been fortified with B12. Babies born … What causes it? Most people get more than enough B12 from eating meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 deficiency …
Health topics
… a constant cold with nasal congestion. This will go away after birth. Other women report that their nausea lessens, … and already having stretch marks on your breasts or thighs After birth, stretch marks will gradually change from red or … tan on the face, will occur in some women and disappear after the baby is born The dark line from the belly button …
… usual. If you have vomiting or diarrhea within 3 to 4 hours after taking your tablet, follow the directions in the … of breath/rapid breathing chest/jaw/left arm pain unusual sweating confusion sudden dizziness/fainting … as protein C or protein S deficiency) abnormal breast exam cancer (especially endometrial or breast cancer) depression …
Health topics
… chances of quitting for good. Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Osteoporosis … chances of quitting for good. Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Osteoporosis …
Medical tests
… is directly related to the extent of the tissue damage. After severe damage, AST levels rise in 6 to 10 hours and … A. Kidney or lung damage. Mononucleosis . Some types of cancer. Medical Tests: Questions to Ask … is directly related to the extent of the tissue damage. After severe damage, AST levels rise in 6 to 10 hours and …