4898 results found
… or pharmacist promptly. If stomach symptoms return later (after taking the same dose for several days or weeks), tell … exercise. Symptoms of low blood sugar include sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, … forms of glucose, rapidly raise your blood sugar by eating a quick source of sugar such as table sugar, honey, …
Health topics
… as starting a diet to lose weight. And if you want to start eating more of a food that's rich in vitamin K, talk to your … as starting a diet to lose weight. And if you want to start eating more of a food that's rich in vitamin K, talk to your …
Health topics
… uterus (myomectomy) and removing the uterus (hysterectomy). After menopause, fibroids usually get smaller or go away. If … want to get pregnant in the future. You can't get pregnant after your uterus is taken out. Both types of surgery have … fibroids are growths in or on the uterus . They are not cancer. Fibroids can grow on the inside of the uterus , …
… Eat a fat-containing meal or snack just before or just after taking this medication. Examples include eggs, … soft food or liquid should be at or below room temperature. After mixing, take all of the mixture within 1 hour. Be sure … have severe lung disease may develop breathing problems after starting this medication. Get medical help right away …
… heartbeat (such as chronic atrial fibrillation). Treating heart failure may help maintain your ability to walk … and exercise and may improve the strength of your heart. Treating an irregular heartbeat can also improve your ability … Take this medication at least 2 hours before or after eating food products that are high in fiber (such as …
Health topics
… viral or bacterial illnesses. Do not share toothbrushes or eating and drinking utensils. Keep up your body's resistance … if the following symptoms develop 2 to 3 weeks or longer after a strep throat infection. These symptoms may be a sign … viral or bacterial illnesses. Do not share toothbrushes or eating and drinking utensils. Keep up your body's resistance …
Health topics
… skin. Babies are born with it, and it usually goes away after the first few days of life. Sometimes dark spots may … baby's 5th day of life. Your baby seems very sleepy, is not eating well, or does not act normally. Your baby shows signs … baby's 5th day of life. Your baby seems very sleepy, is not eating well, or does not act normally. Your baby shows signs …
Health topics
… Talk to your doctor about the options for birth control after your delivery. They include implants and intrauterine … women who smoke, are breastfeeding, or have had breast cancer may not be able to use certain methods. Time and … 2 Talk to your doctor about how long you can use it. After it's in place, you don't need to do anything. Barrier …
… do not need to use back-up birth control the first week. After using the ring for 3 weeks, remove it on the same day … of migraines, sudden/very severe headaches) unusual sweating weakness on one side of the body vision … S deficiency) high blood pressure abnormal breast exam cancer (especially endometrial or breast cancer) high …
HealthLinkBC files
… for your support network to immediately check on you after a disaster. What supplies should I have for an …