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4898 results found
… the morning and evening). Always replace the cap properly after using the inhaler. If your prescribed dose is 2 puffs, … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about …
Health topics
… No matter what caused it, low back pain often goes away after 4 to 6 weeks of non-surgical treatment. An MRI usually … causes of back pain, such as infection, a tumour, or cancer, are rare. Very few cases of low back pain are caused … a certain nerve root or roots. Back pain has not improved after at least 6 weeks of home treatment that may include …
… how much alcohol you may safely drink. If you have not been eating well, if you have an illness or infection that causes … birth control while taking this medication and for 1 month after stopping the medication. If you become pregnant or … how much alcohol you may safely drink. If you have not been eating well, if you have an illness or infection that causes …
Health topics
… It usually takes 1 to 4 days to get symptoms of the flu after you have been around someone who has the virus. Most … are most likely to enter your body through these areas. Eating a healthy and balanced diet . Getting regular … al. (2014). Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in adults and children. Cochrane Database …
Healthy eating
… Document Vietnamese We need small amounts of sodium, but eating too much can increase the risk of high blood pressure …
Medical tests
… How well you are able to carry out routine tasks, such as eating, dressing, shopping, or banking. Sometimes a longer … disorder . Conduct disorder . Bipolar disorders . Eating disorders . Developmental problems, such as: Learning … How well you are able to carry out routine tasks, such as eating, dressing, shopping, or banking. Sometimes a longer …
Health topics
… including the ones that cause 70 to 90% of anal and genital cancers and 90% of genital warts.  In Canada, HPV … including the ones that cause 70 to 90% of anal and genital cancers and 90% of genital warts.  In Canada, HPV …
Health topics
… and improve short-term memory. Lower the risk of some cancers. Lower the risk of: Hip and spinal fractures. … and improve short-term memory. Lower the risk of some cancers. Lower the risk of: Hip and spinal fractures. …
Health topics
… Don't forget to put the lid back on the bottle right after removing the strip. Prick your finger. slide 8 of 11 < … Don't forget to put the lid back on the bottle right after removing the strip. Prick your finger. slide 8 of 11 < …
… about the risk and benefits of gemfibrozil. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat … gemfibrozil at least 1 hour before or at least 4-6 hours after taking these medications. These products can react … about the risk and benefits of gemfibrozil. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat …