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HealthLinkBC files
… may contribute to early childhood tooth decay: Frequent Eating(especially sticky or sugary foods) Constant use of a … Bacteria, combined with poor dental hygiene and unhealthy eating habits, can increase the risk of your child … is a good time to discuss daily dental care, fluoride and eating habits. For more information Children in families who …
HealthLinkBC files
… water while you swim. You can also become infected by eating raw or undercooked food contaminated with cysts. … well with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating or preparing foods. Dry your hands with disposable … can still infect others. After using the toilet and before eating or preparing foods wash your hands thoroughly with …
Health topics
Health topics
… improve some part of his or her life. For some people, it's eating better or getting more exercise. For others, it might … Drinking and Your Health Drug Use and Your Health Healthy Eating Quitting Smoking Current as of: October 20, … improve some part of his or her life. For some people, it's eating better or getting more exercise. For others, it might …
Health topics
… Your child may also sometimes simply not be hungry. Eating patterns can change suddenly. Toddlers may eat well … little for the next few days. As long as you adopt healthy eating strategies, such as by offering healthy foods and snacks, your child's unpredictable eating habits will likely not be a problem. Nap less. …
Health topics
… and I know that I'm a lot more likely to die from my heart disease than from prostate cancer. Right now I'm focusing my … my blood pressure and cholesterol because I know that treating those things can help me live longer and better. I … diagnosis: Endorsement of the 2021 Cancer Care Ontario guidelines on prostate multiparametric magnetic resonance …
Health topics
… it's your first time or tenth time. And focus on creating your plan to quit. A quit plan can help you deal with … and feel better, or to lower your chances of a long-term disease? Whatever the reasons, they're your reasons so … it's your first time or tenth time. And focus on creating your plan to quit. A quit plan can help you deal with …
Medical tests
… Hyperthyroidism. Bleeding problems. Lupus. Chronic kidney disease. Type 1 diabetes or gestational diabetes. High blood … Hyperthyroidism. Bleeding problems. Lupus. Chronic kidney disease. Type 1 diabetes or gestational diabetes. High blood …
Health topics
… make a treatment plan. Some people choose to focus on treating their symptoms instead of the cancer (observation). … have regular visits with your doctor, but the focus is on treating any symptoms that bother you rather than treating the … other clear liquids. If you have kidney, heart, or liver disease and have to limit fluids, talk with your doctor …