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… of the immune system , the body's defence system against disease. The lymph nodes filter lymph fluid as it flows … nodes treated? Treatment for swollen glands focuses on treating the cause. For example, a bacterial infection may be … nodes treated? Treatment for swollen glands focuses on treating the cause. For example, a bacterial infection may be …
HealthLinkBC files
… typhoid vaccine? The vaccine helps protect against typhoid disease, an infection caused by typhoid bacteria. The … Typhoid vaccine will give you some protection against the disease (it is about 50 to 55 percent effective). However, … any component of the vaccine An immune system weakened by disease or medical treatment A stomach illness with nausea …
Health topics
… in an automobile crash, may also cause aortic dissection. Diseases of the connective tissue. Either Marfan syndrome or … may include: Numbness and the inability to move the legs. Sweating. Nausea. Fainting. Pale skin. How is it diagnosed? … may include: Numbness and the inability to move the legs. Sweating. Nausea. Fainting. Pale skin. How is it diagnosed? …
… protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). How To Use … a rare but serious pelvic infection (pelvic inflammatory disease-PID), which can cause permanent damage to sex organs … sexual partners, or infection with a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or who have had PID in the past (see also …
… the eye due to glaucoma (open angle-type) or other eye diseases (such as ocular hypertension). Lowering high … Other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness and sweating, are unaffected by this drug. After you apply this … Other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness and sweating, are unaffected by this drug. After you apply this …
… protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). How To Use … a rare but serious pelvic infection (pelvic inflammatory disease-PID), which can cause permanent damage to sex organs … partners, or who are infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or who have had PID in the past (see also …
… MS, but it may help to decrease the number of episodes of disease worsening (relapses) and slow the worsening of the disease. How To Use Read the Medication Guide and, if … as depression, rare thoughts of suicide) symptoms of liver disease (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, loss of …
… has rarely caused very serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Get medical help right away if you develop symptoms of liver disease, including stomach/abdominal pain, unusual … ankles/feet Gefitinib may cause rare (possibly fatal) lung disease (interstitial lung disease-ILD). Tell your doctor …
… the eye due to glaucoma (open angle-type) or other eye diseases (such as ocular hypertension). Lowering high … Other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness and sweating, are unaffected by this drug. After you apply this … Other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness and sweating, are unaffected by this drug. After you apply this …